Chapter nine

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"Katsuki.." Todoroki started, breaking the building tension between them and especially the silence. "Why did you call the baby a parasite?" He curiously asked, taking a seat at the foot of the bed.

Katsuki looked down at his hands in his lap as he twirled his fingers around each other. "Because i can call it whatever the hell i want, not like it can hear me." He replied.

The two became quiet, and awkward silence falling on them, neither of them sure what to say for what seemed like forever.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Todoroki asked, standing up and pacing back and forth as he thought. "About the baby."

"Because it's none of your business." The blonde answered, causing the halfie to pause his pacing and look at him. He shot a small glare back annoyed with the whole conversation. "And it's still none of your business." He muttered.

Todoroki shook his head, an almost hurt expression on his face as he paced back and forth, something he did when he was overly stressed.

"Are my parents here?" Katsuki asked after a minute of listening to the halfies' soft muttering.

"Yes, I called your little curly haired friend so you'd have someone here when you woke since i wasn't planning on staying. He most likely called your parents."

Katsuki nodded as the awkward silence fell once again. It wasn't like he was obligated to tell the alpha about the baby nor did shoto have any rights to lecture him about what to call HIS baby.

"I'll take responsibility." Todoroki blurted out, breaking the silence and catching the blonde off guard.

"No!" Katsuki snapped his angry gaze on the halfie though it soon fell to an annoyed frown. "I can take care of it without you, I don't need your usless help."

Todoroki took a seat at the foot of the bed an annoyed look coming onto his face. "This isn't up for debate we're talking about an actual life! How can you be so sure you can look after it by yourself! It's my child too! Damn it!!" He said getting angrier.

"Just shut up! All you did was stick your dick in me!! That's all!! I don't want to hear it!! Especially from you!!" Katsuki snapped back his brows furrowing as he felt his anger bubbling up.


"Keep my name out of your filthy mouth!" The blonde interrupted his fists clenching tightly and an icy glare on Todoroki.

"I think I'm gonna go!" Todoroki growled pushing himself up from the bed and walking out without glancing back at the blonde even once.

"Oi get back here!! I'm not done with you!!" Katsuki called but the halfie ignored him, walking out the door and shutting it behind him.

'Damnit' the blonde thought running his hands down his face. It seemed like he kept messing up. Was he making the right decision? He was more than sure he could take care of his child without the halfies help yet something inside him wanted nothing more than to have the alpha by his side, know he was there for their child. But even so he knew if the baby he was still growing presented as an alpha he couldn't teach it the proper characteristics that make up a good dignified alpha however he didn't want his child to be like Todoroki, gender or looks and definitely not personality, yet who was he kidding, todoroki always got his way. It'd been like that since the beginning and ever since he'd known him.

He was snapped out of his thoughts as he felt two pairs of arms wrap tightly around him, one pair belonging to his mother and the other to his father.

"Thank goodness you're alright." His mother said, the two practically suffocating him.

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