Great News

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JJ walks over to her desk and sets her bag on the table. She sighs, sits down, and leans back into her chair. Her eyes are closed and she sighs again, remembering how scary the past couple of days have been while searching for Kate's niece, Meg. She starts to think about Henry and what she would do if she ever lost him. JJ remembers that she had some saltine crackers that she offered to Kate. She looked around and behind her, to see if there was anyone around. No one was around so she opened her drawer and took out the crackers. She was just about to put a cracker in her mouth, when she heard her best friends voice behind her.

"Not you too," Reid said with a teasing sound in his voice.

JJ turned around to see Reid slowly walking up to her with an adorable smirk on his face.

"Am I getting another Godson?" He asked starting to smile.

JJ smiled a big smile and shrugged, "Possibly,"

Reid's face lit up, with his eyes full of joy and excitement.

"Maybe Goddaughter." JJ said, smiling at his adorable reaction.

He smiled bigger and leaned in to give her a warm, squeezing, hug.
They hugged tight for a couple seconds, then slowly let go. They looked at each other, smiling big happy smiles. JJ took a bite out of her cracker and giggled. Reid was just smiling at her, thinking about how beautiful her smile is. Then he started to giggle at a silly JJ who was giggling while eating her cracker.

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