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She's such a beautiful person, Reid thought as he watched JJ eat her cracker. She always smells so good, I wanna hold her in my arms, and smell the sweet scent of her hair.

"Congratulations, JJ. I'm so happy for you!" Reid said.

"Thanks, Spence." she said giving him a heartwarming smile.

He loves it when she smiles, it always makes him feel so happy and special.

Reid realized that he kept staring at her, so he said, "Oh, uh, does Henry know yet?"

"Not yet," she said

"I bet Henry will be so excited to hear this!" Exclaimed Reid.

"I haven't told Will yet, either." JJ said.

"Oh, am I the only one who knows?" He asked.

"Yea." JJ smiled.

"I'm so happy for you, JJ." Reid said as he leaned in for another hug.

He pulled her up off her chair and gave her a really big hug. They just hugged each other very tight, and Reid didn't want to let go.

Spence is such a sweet and caring person, JJ thought. If he ever has kids, he would be the best dad in the world.

Reid loved the way JJ smelled and just held her close and smelled her beautiful, silky hair.

They both slowly let go of their hug, but Reid was still holding JJ's arms.
They just kept smiling at each other.

"Your a wonderful mom." Reid whispered.

"Thank you, Spence," JJ whispered back and smiled bigger, "And you are a an amazing Godfather."

"Thank you, I wish I was a parent." he said.

"Yep, and when you are, those will be the luckiest kids in the entire world." JJ patted his back.

Reid quickly pulled JJ into another hug, "Thank you," he whispered.

He wished that Henry was his son, he loved him like a son. He cares about them so much. Will is so lucky to have a beautiful family. Reid wondered if he would have had kids by now, if Meave never died. He so badly wanted to have a son or daughter to call him "Daddy"

JJ and Reid were always close, but ever since Meave died, they've been getting closer. Reid knew that JJ would always be there for him, and Reid would always be there for her too. When JJ had her miscarriage, Reid was the only person she told, and he helped her through it. They were both so happy that JJ was pregnant. But Reid secretly wanted the baby to be his, and that he was with JJ.

Spencer Reid snap out of it! You cannot be thinking about JJ like this, she is your best friend! He thought to himself. He looked down at his shoes with an upset face and put his hands in his pockets.

"Spence, you ok?" JJ asked.

Reid looks up "Hmm? Oh, uh, yea. just a little tired." He flashed her a fake smile.


"JJ, I'm fine." he says and pats her on the back. He was upset with himself for feeling this way towards her. He always had s crush on her, but he kept forcing himself to stop liking her when she went with Will, but it never worked and his feeling are getting stronger.

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