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JJ walked out of Reid's room looking relieved and sad.

"You ok? Is everything ok?" Reid asked while still holding Henry.

"Yes. I'm ok. we're done and we just need to get all our stuff from the house. He was being rude and hurtful, but I didn't let it bother me this time, I have you."

Reid smiled. "Aww, I'm glad I have you guys, and I'll always be here for you both. Your the love of my life Jennifer Jareau."

JJ became teary eyed, from happiness. Why couldn't she just have always been with Reid? Why did she even marry Will? She has always loved Reid and he has always loved her! Why did it take forever?

"You've always been the love of my life, Spencer Reid." JJ whispered and hugged him.

Reid felt an amazing feeling in his heart. She has always loved me! I've always loved her! And now we are finally together! Words could not describe the happiness, joy, love, and warmth that he was feeling. It's like it was all a big perfect dream.

"Aww, did Henry fall asleep in your arms? That's so sweet. I'm so glad that he loves you." JJ whispered and smiled.

"Yeah. I love this little guy! I've always loved him like a son! I'm super happy right now! I finally have you and Henry to love forever!" Reid beamed with joy. "I'm so in love with you, JJ!"

JJ slammed her lips to Reid's and shared a sweet innocent moment of love.

Reid went to go put Henry in his bed and then came back out to JJ who was sitting on the couch, waiting for him.

"Come sit your cute little butt down next to me." JJ said flirtatiously.

Reid blushed. "Ahh, hehe! My butts cute?"

"You should've known that! Your a genius!" JJ teased playfully.

Reid sat down and cuddled up next to JJ.

"But do you know what else your a genius at?" JJ said seductively.

"What?" Reid whispered, his lips so close to touching hers.

"Making love to me." JJ whispered back.

Reid's heart started beating fast and in a split second, His lips were connected with JJ's. A sweet, beautiful, innocent kiss, quickly turned into a steamy one. They were holding each other super close and JJ ran her fingers through Reid's hair as they made out.

They only stopped to take short breaths. They never wanted this moment to end. It was just perfect!

Reid rubbed his hands up and down JJ's back and then slipped them underneath her shirt.

"I love you so much, JJ." Reid breathed.

"Show me how much you love me."
JJ whispered, breathing heavily.

Reid looked into her eyes and smiled mischievously. "Beware, I'm about to show you how much of a genius I actually am."

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