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Reid was on his way to work, when his phone rang. It was JJ.

Oh no, he thought, what is she going to say? I can't talk to her right now. Not after what happened last night and the dream I just had about her. I would stutter like a maniac!

He answered his phone, anyway. "Uh hi, JJ. Um, you need something?" He said, trying his best to sound normal, well, his normal, anyway.

"Hi, Spence. Henry just really misses you, and he wants to see you."

Reid smiled. "Aww I miss him too!"

"He wants to know if he can come over to your house tonight. He's been upset lately, and says that you make him feel better."

JJ's words warmed Reid's heart.
"Of course! I would love to have him over!"

"Great! I'll tell him the great news!"

"Ok. Um, are you staying over, too?" He asked nervously.

"Oh, yeah... is that ok?" JJ asked.

"Uh, yeah! Heh! Just making sure." he nervously laughed.

Spence is acting funny again. Maybe he does like me. JJ thought.

"Ok, Henry will be so happy!" JJ smiled.

"Yep! I can't wait to see him!" Reid was excited to see him. But he was going to have JJ at his house too. He would get all nervous.

They both hung up and continued on there way to the BAU.

They both arrived to work about the same time. Right when Reid saw JJ, his stomach started doing flips.
Stop acting all nervous! She's your best friend! But she is so beautiful that it hurts.

JJ sees Reid and smiles at him. He nervously smiled and bites his lip.

He's so cute, JJ thought and started walking up to him in the parking lot.

Reid took a shaky, deep breath as JJ walked towards him. Don't do or say anything stupid, he told himself. He saw JJ smiling nervously, like she- NO! Reid thought. She doesn't like me! I'm to weird and awkward. She's beautiful and perfect, and MARRIED! She's so beautiful.

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