Me too

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Reid's alarm clock went off early the next morning. He jerked awake which made his book of quantum physics fall off of him onto the floor. He dreamt about JJ last night. He dreamt about her before, but this wasn't like any other dream he had about her.

Reid started thinking about his dream and got upset. Ugh! I have to stop thinking about her this way! I can't believe I had a dream about me kissing her! But it felt so real. It felt so right. It was amazing, I wish it could happen for real. He smiled then frowned. WHAT THE? Grr!! He shook his head and started getting ready for work.

JJ woke up to the sound of Henry crying.

"Henry? What's wrong?" She asked while walking up to Henry who was by the front door.

"I told daddy 'Bye I love you' and he looked at me, mean, and said 'Yeah sure.' and then left!" Henry cried.

JJ sighed and kneeled down in front of her crying baby. "Oh, I'm so sorry, sweetie!" JJ said and hugged him tight.

"I want Spence!" He said letting go of the hug to look into his moms eyes.

JJ smiled slightly, "Me too."

"He always says that he loves me."

"Yeah, he does." JJ smiled, happy that Henry was starting to feel better.

"When I is ever sad, he always makes me feel better." Henry wiped away a tear and smiled. "When can I see him again, mommy?"

"Soon, I promise." JJ said and picked him and held him tightly.

Henry's nanny came to watch Henry until he had to go to school so JJ could go to work.

"Bye, sweetie." JJ said to Henry, "Have a great day at school, and mommy will see you soon. I love you." she hugged him.

"I love you too, mommy. But I don't want to see Daddy, I'm mad at him." Henry replied.

"Ok, um..." she started.

"I want to go to Spence's house."

JJ thought for a moment. She also wanted to go be with Reid, and get away from Will but what would he think if she asked him?

"I'll ask him, ok?" She said

"Ok! Thank you mommy!" Henry exclaimed. Then she left.

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