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Henry arrived to the BAU at around 3:45 pm. "Mommy!" He squealed and ran to give her a big hug.

"Hey, sweetie!" She hugged him tight, then took his hand.

"Spence!" Henry screamed and dashed towards Reid.

"OHHH! Henry! Yay!" Reid jumped up and opened his arms wide.

Henry jumped into his arms, making them both fall over.

"Woah!" Reid laughed, "I missed you so much! How have you been?"

"I'm ok, but I MISSED YOU MORE!" Henry growled, playfully.

"Ohhhh... I don't think so!" Reid growled back then started to tickle Henry.

Both boys were giggling around on the floor, tickling each other while the whole team stared.

"Ah! Ok! Henry! St-stop! Haha!" Reid laughed.

Henry stopped, then just held Reid tight. "Ok, Spence! I'll attack you with hugs instead."

JJ smiled at them on the floor. Henry is always just so happy with Spence. This is so adorable! I love them so much!

Reid picked Henry up off the ground with him and smiled at JJ. "Hehe."

Henry stayed with Reid at his desk and tried to help him with his files. "Spence? Can I draw?" He asked

"Oh, of course!" Reid answered, handing him a paper and pencil.

"Yay! Don't look! It's a surprise..." He teased.

"I won't!" He answered.

Henry started to draw. He was working very hard. Spence is going to love it! I'm going to make him hold me and mommy's hand! Spence is my new daddy!

"I'm done, Spence!" Henry exclaimed.

Reid looked at Henry's beautiful picture. "Oh, Wow! I love this, Henry! This is awesome!"

Henry smiled the biggest smile his little face could make. "Heehee, thank you! I made it special for you! Cuz I love you!"

"Aww! I love you too, buddy!" Reid picked up Henry and gave him a big, big, hug.

JJ looked over at her boys, and smiled the biggest smile.

Morgan, Rossi, and Garcia walked over to Reid and Henry, to see what all the excitement was about.

"Aww!" Garcia exclaimed. "Sugar cake, that is an amazing drawing!"

"Thank you!" Henry exclaimed and gave her a hug.

"Are you being Pretty boy's little assistant?" Morgan asks.

Henry giggles "Yeah!"

Rossi smiles.

"Wait!" Henry said, reaching for Reid's bag. He puts its over his shoulder and gets a book and pretends to read it fast.

"Ohh!" Everyone laughs.

"Now I'm just like Spence!" Henry yelled of joy.

"Yay! Your awesome!" Reid gave him a high five.

JJ was watching them and giggled. This is so sweet! Why couldn't Will ever be this great with Henry? I'm glad he has Spence.

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