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thirteen// fool in love˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

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thirteen// fool in love˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

"It's Jean, isn't it?" Beomgyu smirked as he wriggled his brows. Rin remained silent, but her cheeks gradually grew red. "Cute, you should tell him because he is clearly interested in you," Beomgyu encouraged.  "No, he isn't," Rin replied with a shake of her head.

"He is," Beomgyu confirmed. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow!" Rin waved as they approached her door. "See you! Consider it!" Beomgyu yelled as she entered her dorm. "I can always tell him if you'd like!" Beomgyu's shouted.

"Please, don't." Rin opened her door and gave the younger one a stern look before closing it again.

time skip˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

Rin planned to go shopping at the mall with one of her lady friends tomorrow for a swimsuit to wear to the beach on Saturday because she doesn't have one. She scrolled through her contact list and clicked on one of the numbers.

She dialed the number of a childhood friend in Japan, whom she had known since kindergarten. Because their families were so close, they all moved to Korea together. Her friend is like a sister to her.

She phoned the number and waited for the person on the other end of the line to answer. "Hey, Rin, what's up?" "Hey Yuri, I was just wondering if you'd like to go shopping for bathing suits at the downtown mall tomorrow?" asked a voice. Rin inquired.

"I'd love too! What is the occasion?" She chuckled.  Oh, I'm heading to the beach with the boys this weekend. "You should definitely join us," Rin remarked. Actually, I'm free and would be delighted to come, so you won't be the only girl," her friend joked. "For real? Thank you!" Rin gasped.

Oh, and by the way. "How's it going with Eun?" Rin queried.  "In fact, it's fantastic. "Eun and I finally moved in together and were thinking considering starting a family soon," the girl exclaimed.

"Wow, I am so happy for you!" Rin burst out.  "Thank you so much. "How's it going over there with the chaos?" Aki questioned.  "It's fine; I'm just glad to be graduating soon," Rin grumbled.

"Lovely! "It's a shame I had to graduate a year ahead of you; we could've graduated together," the other girl grumbled.

"Right," Rin grumbled.

"Well, I've got to get going; my husband just got home." "Oh, he wants to say hello," her friend stated.  "Yo Rin! "How are things going?" The man's voice rang out across the line. Eun, it's nice to see you. "How are you doing?" Rin inquired. "Great! "I'm doing fine myself!" He blurted out.

"Nice," Rin remarked.

"I'll hand you back over to my wife now," Eun chuckled as he handed the phone back to Yuri. "Sorry, he always has so much energy when he gets home from work," Yuri laughed. "Oh, no, it's fine; I'm just glad to hear you're both doing well," Rin said. Aw, thanks, girl," her friend thanked.

"I'll let you go now," Rin said. "OK, see you tomorrow." "Be careful and drink plenty of water," the other girl suggested. "You, too; see you tomorrow," Rin added before hanging up the phone.

Rin got up from the couch and placed her phone beside her.

time skip˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

It was late in the afternoon on Friday. Rin was texting a friend about where they should meet. On her way out, she slips on a coat. She shut her door and began walking down the corridors. She made her way through the parking lot to her car and took the keys from her backpack.

The girl got into her car after unlocking it. She cranked up the engine and buckled her seatbelt. She pulled out of the parking lot and towards the mall, which was about fifteen to twenty minutes away from the campus.

She revved up the radio, playing her favorite songs from a playlist she'd created.

She arrived at the mall and parked her car in the vast parking lot. Fortunately, there was a spot in the front, near the mall, so she wouldn't have to travel far.

She got her belongings and exited her car. Walking up to the enormous mall and locking it Her friend had stated that she was already there, waiting on the east side of the mall, and Rin had parked there.

The woman spotted the other woman standing on the building's sidewalk and had rushed over.

"Hello," Rin responded, returning her friend's hug. Yuri had dark eyes and long black hair. She was wearing spectacles and smiling brightly. "You look stunning!" Her companion praised her, making her blush slightly at the unexpected compliment.

"So do you," Rin said with a smile. Her friend returned her smile and clasped arms with her. The two girls entered the women's clothes section and saw a large section dedicated to bathing suits. "What color are you aiming for?" Yuri looked at her companion. "I was thinking about black." Rin shrugged. "Sweet! "That would look fantastic on you," the other girl agreed. "What about you?" Rin inquired.

"I was aiming for purple," her friend explained. "Oh, nice," Rin replied.  The two women looked through the swimming suits and chose a few to try on.

Rin chose a two-piece bathing outfit. Black bottoms worn as shorts and a black top worn as a sports bra with a string pulled back. Yuri chose a dark purple bikini.

Rin went ahead and paid for her swimming suit first because she finished choosing it out first, and her companion paid about twenty minutes later.

Rin was the one who recommended the bathing suit that Yuri ended up purchasing.

time skip˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

"Did you walk here?" As they carried their bags into the parking lot, Rin questioned her companion. "Yeah, I live across the street, so I just walked." "Would you like a ride home?" Rin inquired. "Yes, please," Yuri replied with a smile.

Rin opened the passenger-side back door, and the two girls placed their bags on the floor, slightly beneath the seat so they wouldn't slide.

The two girls then climbed inside the car and buckled their seatbelts. Rin started the car and drove across the street. She knew where Yuri lived because she had previously visited her.

The trip only took three minutes. "Thanks!" As Rin parked her car in her friend's driveway, Yuri jumped out. She took her bags from the backseat and shut the door. "See you again tomorrow!" Yuri made a wave. "See you!" Rin returned the wave.

She reversed her car, putting one hand on the passenger seat, and turned her head back to check the road behind her for any cars passing by. She drove out of the driveway and into her house.

It was completely dark outside. It wouldn't have been the same without street lights, illuminated buildings, bright signage, and cars.

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