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nine// fool in love˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

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nine// fool in love˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

The two had previously placed their order and were now waiting for their dinner to arrive. Jean continued to ask Rin questions in order to get to know her better, and she answered them.

"You've never been in a relationship?" He exclaimed. Rin gave a shake of her head. "No," she replied. "You're too pretty to have never been asked out," he said, making a fuss. "Thank you," she replied, "but I've been asked out." "Oh, by who?" He inquired. "You wouldn't know them," she guaranteed. He gave a nod.

The food was shortly served. They thanked Lyn and began eating right away.

time skip˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

"Thank you for the night out." Rin laid a napkin on the table. "Thank you for coming with me," he said, smiling.

Jean and Rin had already fought about who would pay, so they divided the bill. Both had risen out of their seats and were walking towards Jean's car. Except for the street lights and the lights from adjacent buildings, it's pitch black outdoors.

Jean and Rin climbed inside his car, and Jean started it. He did the same thing he did on the previous automobile ride. He turned up the radio volume simply to generate some noise.

It wasn't long before they returned to the school grounds. He parked his car in the parking area, and the two got out and started walking to the dorms.

Jean and Rin were both stunned.  Soobin stood outside, waiting. "Soobin?" she murmured.  His head perked up. "What are you doing out here?" Jean confronted the man. "Oh, I was just on the phone," Soobin explained.


Jean's brow wrinkled. Jean wasn't convinced. He suspects Soobin was waiting for Rin to return.

Jean slipped his arm around Rin's waist and drew her in closer. The girl let out a gasp but said nothing. Soobin lowered his gaze to Jean's hand, which was encircled around his friend's waist.

"If you'll excuse us, we'll be heading to our dorms now." Jean exchanged glances with Soobin before departing with Rin.

Soobin stared down at his hands and clamped his eyes shut as the two walked away.

"Taehyun was right," he started. "They got a little too close." A tear trickled down his face as he sank his head.

time skip˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

After Rin entered her dorm, last night was a haze.


Rin pulled out her key and unlocked the door. She placed her purse on the table. Jean followed her, sealing the door behind her.

"I had a great time," Jean said the girl who was cradling her head. "Me, too," she grumbled. "Is there something wrong?" Jean approached the young lady. "Eh, just my head," she winced as he turned on the light.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" He hurried back to the light and switched it off.

"You should lay down," Jean suggested as he motioned to the couch. "Right." Rin nodded and let Jean guide her to the couch. "Would you like to have something to drink?" He inquired. She gave a nod. "Please, water," she groaned.

Jean nodded and went into her kitchen. He was rummaging around for a cup. He filled it from the fridge once he found one. Returning it to the girl who is lying on the couch,

She sat up and held the cup in her hands. "Thanks," she replied, raising the cup to her lips. Jean looked at her as she sipped her drink. "Would you like to have me stay here?" He enquired.

"Thank you, but I couldn't ask you to do that," she joked. "No, I'm serious. "I just want to make sure you're okay," he expressed.  He stepped back into the kitchen and opened the freezer before she could respond.

He grabbed an ice pack from the freezer and wrapped it in a hand towel. He handed it to Rin, who thanked him and held it up to her head.


"Fine, you can stay," she said, sighing. "Great!" He smirked.  He flicked on the lamp beside the couch and set it to the lowest level. He inquired, "May I use your shower?"

"Sure. "It's right down the hall," she said, pointing. "Are you changing back into that clothing, though?" She inquired. "I guess," he replied, shrugging.

"I'll just change in the morning," he declared, assuring her. She gave a nod. He walked down to where she pointed and entered the bathroom without saying anything more.

After what seemed like twenty minutes, a crack was heard as the restroom door was opened.
Jean walked out, a towel covering his head. He was dressed in a white button-up shirt underneath his blazer and black jeans.

"I smell like a woman now," he chuckled as he took a seat next Rin. He could hear soft chuckles escaping from the girl. "Did you find everything to be okay?" She raised her head. "Ah, of course," he said, nodding.


"So, are you feeling any better?" He inquired, caressing the front of her calf gently. The unexpected contact overwhelmed her. "Yeah, a little bit." Her words were choking her."Amazing," he grinned as he continued to stroke her leg.

"We should get some sleep," Rin advised.  "I suppose you're right," he said, rising from his seat. He fetched a blanket from the other little couch and draped it over Rin. "Thanks," he replied with a nod.

Jean walked over to the other couch and laid, dragging the other blanket with him.  He snuggled himself in a blanket and shuffled around before settling in.

"Goodnight," he muttered.

"Goodnight," she stated quietly.

End of flashback.

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