6. Arnold vs Helga

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– Phoebe's House -

- Just one more.... and ready! I look awesome! - A boy with tall hair smiled at his reflection in the window of his girlfriend's house.

- Hey babe! - She appeared unexpectedly, startling him a bit.

- Hey babe! I was waiting for you.

- I see. But I'm here, ready?

- Sure! Do you know if Arromeo and Heljuliet are walking with us?

- No, I don't know, she didn't answer me last night.

Friday! Finally Friday! Was the first weekend after the new scholar year had started. All the anxious students were coming to class, waiting for the last sound bell of the day. The young couple walked together and talked about the last events in their lives. They stopped in her locker while she was picking up her books.

- So are you free tomorrow or you and your parents will visit your grandma?

- No, I'm free Gerald, my dad is working a lot lately and is very busy.

- Perfect! Maybe we can go to The Kiska and watch a movie? - They held hands again and walked towards their new classroom.

- Sounds nice! But what about Jamie O, Will be visiting you, no?

- Yes but until night... this will sound strange but... he really has changed... I'm happy to see him again.
- I'm so happy to hear that! - She almost opened the door, but some whispers avoided it. - Have you heard that?

- Yes I had... and I can guess who is there.

- Really? Who?

- Look and have fun babe!- He cleared his throat and walked in, yelling at the top of his lungs.- Arnold, Helga, what are you doing?

The couple that was holding hands while sharing a cheesy moment suddenly let go and jumped out of their seats.

- Criminy Tall Hair Boy! What's wrong with you? Are you trying to kill us or better, to die?

- Sorry blondie was just a joke to my bro.

- Very funny! - Arnold dedicated to him a sarcastic greeting. - What're you doing here so early?

- Early? Arnold it's almost the time to start classes! - Her best friend's girlfriend said.

- What Pheebs? We didn't hear the bell.

- Cause we don't have a bell now. Have you not listened to Wartz's new save money politics?

- Not really,

- Oh yes, I did. I heard that he'll buy less quality food, less sports equipment and other stupid things. Football head you have to pay attention to the world around you!

- Don't be rude with my friend, it's just that he put his head in another blond world.

- Geraldo, strike 2... and the classes have not started yet.

- Oh guys are you here! nice! I was looking for the other kids, that problem with the money makes the students take more time intentionally.

The rest of the classmates went into their classroom without any intention, except for the weirdest boy of 6th grade and from all the PS118.

- Well now that we're all of you here, I've news for all of you.

- Please Simmons.... tell me that isn't more charity! I'm dying with the work at the cafeteria.

- Oh Rhonda yes you do. - Gerald scoffed sarcastically.

- No Rhonda, the special news from today is different. As we're starting a new scholar year, we need a new President of the Students Society...

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