19. A big bifurcation

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–Johanssen's House - Sunday 5am-

- Everybody! It's time! - The brunette jumped up from his bed, full of energy and began to shout outside the rooms of his parents and little sister.

- Gerald, son, please relax, it's too early. - His tired mom said, trying to open her eyes.

- What's your problem Gerald? I need to sleep at least 12 hours on Sundays.

- Silence Timberly, Did you forget that Jamie O is coming today?

- Of course not Gerald. - His dad was finally able to say something. - But he'll be here in two hours.

- I'm not sure about it. - A voice appeared behind them.

- Jamie O, you're here! - His little sister screamed and ran into his arms.

- Hey Tim! You're so tall! You're a young miss now. Gerald is nice with you?

- Not really, he's so bad with me, he never wants to play with me, he spends all his time with Phoebe now, last Monday I wanted to play hide and seek, but they only were kissi...

- Enough Timberly! - A red Gerald covered her little mouth. - Jamie O has traveled for a long time to hear those stupid stories!

- Enough everybody, come in the kitchen, we will enjoy a delicious breakfast together.

- Yeah! Pancakes! - The men said.

Mrs Johanssen walked to the kitchen with a little smile on her face. The last months were a little difficult for all of them, they were together since each of them had been born. She always knew that someday, her 3 little babies would move out on their own count, but from her own point of view, it was so fast.




– Johanssen's House - Kitchen - 9am

After a big pile of pancakes, the family were sitting laughing and remembering some funny stories about Jamie O and Gerald's old fights. Looking at the past was so stupid for him, Jamie O was an awesome boy, and now, he was sorry he hadn't seen it before.

- Oh please, Gerald threw up more than me!.. Poor grandma!

- Hey! It was your idea? Remember? - Gerald defended himself.

- Yes, yes, bro, guilty. And how is your friend?

- Arnold? He's totally happy with his parents now.

- And his girlfriend... Do you remember?

- Timberly, I told you, Helga isn't his girlfriend. - Gerald winked at his brother and they both laughed in complicity, they both knew the "secret" and there was no more between them.

- Anyway, can we have lunch with Arnold later? Maybe some hot dogs at Kaline's place?

- Well little bro, sounds nice but... I'll be a little busy.

- Busy? Doing what? - The young bro asked.

- Actually... I've some news for all of you...

- Jamie O, please tell me that you are still studying at college! Because the money that you mom and I...

- Don't worry dad, I'm in college... for now... I've got some different kinds of news.

The middle brother noticed how his brother was beginning to look a little nervous, he knew him well, he had done something. - Maybe he failed something or owes some money. - He thought to himself, until the doorbell distracted him from his thoughts.

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