17. The christmas guest

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Disclaimer: Craig Bartlett is the creator and he and Nickelodeon have the rights of the show.

Dedicated to: Craig Bartlett and all your brilliant team... thanks to be my inspiration and happiness in my childhood, I hope someday you can read this and I wish some day be able to make a cartoon so excellent as yours... your show gave me my best friends... thank you and merry christmas... From Mony Sanchez from Mexico...

– Drymon Medical Clinic – Entrance

All Hillwood city was covered by a beautiful white cape. Everybody wore their favorite winter outfits. A lot of people were in the center, trying to buy some presents in the morning of christmas eve. A blond tired woman smiles happily, enjoying her hard work finally ended.

She took her shovel and went inside, looking for some heat.

- Excellent job! You win a hot cocoa cup! - Her new best friend smiled at her, proud of her work.

- Thanks nurse Parker.

- Hey girls! Did you finish yet? Today is a special day, you have to be at home. - A doctor joined them.

- Hi Doctor Geller! - Suzie greeted her teacher. - We're trying!

- See you next Monday. - He took his coat and went outside.

- So Miriam... Did you go to the center? you know...

- Do you mean the alcohol group? Yes... to be honest, I've been going for three weeks.

- Really? Wow, that's amazing! And what do you think about it?

- It's different from what I thought... for the first time... I don't feel... less.

- Less?

- Yes, you know... The last few years Bob always made the decisions and I don't know... I felt empty and useless, less than the people around me...but there... I'm like the others... I feel more human...

- Miriam, this is a big step! And I feel happy for you!

- Suzie, everything's thanks to you, you took care of me later after the accident and you showed me the group and...

- Yes, but you made the decision to go, you had the courage enough to do it. Say thanks to yourself! and maybe to my friend Don, for telling me about his group.

- Yes, he is actually... a good friend of mine too...

- Oh Miriam, I don't know what I will do without you later you end your community service sentence here.

- Don't worry, I've 3 weeks more! - They both clinked cups and took a big gulp of their drinks.




– Hillwood Medical Center–

- So, tell me Helga, how was your last week? - The psychologist opened her notebook and prepared her pen to take notes.

- Strange and kind of different... like something unusual in the ambient.

- What do you mean? - The woman began to be intrigued, despite the fact that she attended to many children and young people, her most complex patient was always the Pataki girl.

- It was after my mom's accident. Everybody's behavior is... like we're different people. Olga continues to be depressed because her big fails at the theater, but... is not so dramatic like always, she is really worried and all day is acting in "her room".

- I see... looks like she is finally facing the real world.

- Finally! I know... then is Bob... he doesn't talk so much lately, is good, I mean, I don't complain, but he seems really different and with Miriam... and she...

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