18. Operation: Saving privates Shortman / Pataki

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- Sunset Arms- Arnold's Room-

- Yes! I've an A... well, well, actually was a B+... but I overcame Arnold's note... - The brunette guy said proudly in his call, while his best friend smiled at him with complicity. - Ok, ok, see you, bye!

- Let me guess... Jamie O?

- Yes Arnie! It's incredible! It turns out that he is not as stupid as he seemed, who would have thought!

- I told you my friend, no one it's so bad like...

- Like he seems... I know it! The positive side! - The tall haired boy chuckled a bit and tossed a pillow at his best friend. - Better bring me some of that strange healthy pizza that seems to taste good.

- Okay, I'll be right back. - The young Shortman stood up and walked quietly to the kitchen, enjoying the peace of his last weeks, everything goes well, his girlfriend was enjoying her time with her mom, Sheena and Bernie was knowing each other, and finally his old friend is living with her family, the school is almost restarting, his parents and grandparents are with him... everything goes well... - What could go wrong! the young blond guy said.

- Just imagine it Stella, open the door and see a beautiful living room, your own kitchen and why not? an enormous pool in our garden, waiting for us! with no one guest around us, without leaks and mice, or rats... just us and Arnold.

- Well Miles, to be honest with you... sounds great! When I was younger I designed my dream house... and it would be awesome that it comes true.

- Yes... sounds perfect honey!

- Moving...On our own? - A new fear started growing in his chest. - Yes... I know, it was my fault... I said the phrase... - Arnold hit his forehead mentally, his friends had already told him, stop saying it!

- Hi champ! Do you want some of my famous pizza, huh?

- Oh, hi dad, it would be cool.

- Here you have Arnold, do you need something more?

- No mom, everything is... ok... see you guys!

- He went upstairs and sat down next to Gerald, who noticed his change of expression.

- Ok... you worry me man, or this pizza is really disgusting or we have a new problem?

- Well... Would you consider it a problem that my parents are planning to move us?

- What!

- Well... we have a problem...




— Hillwood Medical Center- Dr. Bliss's office –

The window was closed, protecting the warm temperature of the room. The doctor was sitting on "the big chair" while the blond girl was sitting in front of her, talking with the biggest smile that the doctor had seen on her face.

- Then, Miriam and I went to that store and we faced that stupid guy and we got a discount of 20%.

- Awesome Helga, sounds like you had an excellent night.

- Well... was good, I don't know if I would use the word "excellent"...

- Come on Helga, you can stop trying to hide it! You're enjoying the time that you are spending with your mom. It's ok.

- I don't know doc... when I admit that everything goes well...

- Things won't get bad only because you enjoy a moment, remember, you...

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