9. Little happy family project

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– PS 118 - Gym –

All the Gym was totally in silence. You could even hear the sound of a fly. All the students watched the end of the old movie and their teacher turned the lights on.

- Ok 6th graders, someone has a question? - But the silence was their answer. - C'mon students, this is a very normal part of your life. - The Coach Wittenberg said with his deep voice, trying to hide his own discomfort.

- I want my mom! - Harold screamed.

- I don't want to see my parent's faces for a while.- Gerald said.

- Ok Simmons it's your turn now.

- Thanks Coach for your... complete documentary about the miracle of life. Now students, we're gonna participate in a very special government project.... We're the pilot class... welcome to "Little happy family project"

The students continued their vow of silence.

- Now what do you want, Simmons? - Helga spoke.

- Thanks for your euphoria Helga. Anyway, in this project you'll work with a classmate for one week, as husband and wife. The government sent us these special robot babies, they can cry, get sick, "sleep", and need food and a new diaper, just like a real baby. You've to work in a team with your couple and make some budgets to share bills. You'll decide "profession" and you'll receive fake money and work for it. - What do you think?

- That those stupids don't know what to do with all our taxes. - Helga said to Phoebe and she laughed.

- Anyway students, this is a very important opportunity for you to understand what responsibility and teamwork means. Now I'll give you a paper to choose your future couple.

- OMG this is my opportunity, in a very real scenery, to marry Arnold. I have to be his wife. Maybe if I change my place with Sheena...

- I got Helga. Nice. - Gerald said with a lot of disappointment while the blond couple shared his feeling.

- Can we change?

- No Helga, sorry, you'll have to live with your decisions.

- But Simmons... was Gerald's decision!

- So, with your couple's decision!

- Criminy! This will be so fun!

- OMG no! It can't be possible... I am with Curly? But... I deserve something better.

- Yes! My evil plan had worked! - The crazy preteen said and gave a hot look at his future fake wife.

- I choose... Harold? - A worried Lila said.

- Don't feel ashamed of Lila, I know that all the girls find me attractive.

- Actually I don't think so, sorry.

- Ok I wrote your names, Sheena and Stinky, Phoebe and Sid. Now everyone have a couple, now you'll choose a job and we'll pass at the marriage ceremony in the classroom.

- Mr Simmons! I don't have a couple yet. - The boy with football head said, statement that made his girlfriend worry.

- Oh Criminy... he'll have a beautiful and amazing wife that'll make him fall in love with her and throw me away. . The girl with the pink bow thought.

- Sorry Arnold but all the girls were chosen. But I know what more we can learn today. Arnold and Eugene, congratulations, you'll be our alternative family! Ok, go to our classroom in one line please.

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