24. Sense and jealousy

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The fancy room was totally full of elegant people, all dancing happily, except for the blond young, she could feel her heart breaking in little pieces.

- Will you not shake hands with me?

The blond guy with football head looked at her nervously, he didn't have an exit, he was exposed.

- How do you do, miss? - He only was able to say that.

- What is the natter? - The girl with blue eyes and pink bow asked again, trying to understand the boy who supposedly loved her. - Why have you not come to see me? Were you not here? Have you not received my letters?

- I had the pleasure of receiving the information you sent to me. - He said coldly. He wasn't the guy that she had dated.

- For heaven's sake, tell me what's wrong.

- Thank you. I'm most obliged. Excuse me, I must rejoin my party.

The young woman's eyes crystallized, the blonde quickly walked away, joining other young people at the party, whom she had never seen and who looked much better dressed than her. The girl had never felt so small as at that moment.

- Go to him, sister. Force him to come to me instantly.

Her older sister looked at her with sadness, she knew how it felt to suffer for love.

-Do you know them? - His new apparently new girlfriend asked him, looking at her with contempt and even disgust.

- Not really, don't worry.

She sighed deeply, while her beautiful blue eyes looked towards the football head, he hugged his girl and her sister stretched out her arm to free her from the cruel scene. Everything between them was over.

-Perfect Arnold, Helga, Sheena and Rhonda.- Mr Simmons said, cutting all the magic atmosphere of the rehearsal. - I finally decided! Rhonda you'll be an excellent Miss Gray.

- Excellent! I love her style.

- Sheena, congratulations! You'll be Elinor and you Eugene, our dearest Edward Ferrars.

- Thank you Mr Simmons! He's so handsome and brave! I'll be practicing a lot and...

- Yeah, yeah, congratulations Mr bad luck. If we finish with this stupid act, Can I leave the building?

- Helga... to be honest with you... you aren't supplying anyone.

- What are you talking about Simmons and why do I feel that I won't like me?

- Because... congratulations Helga, you were a perfect Juliet in the past and now, you'll be an excellent Marianne.

- What?? Criminy! I don't wanna participate in this stupidity!

- Oh please Helga... I'm about your talent and I need it! - The teacher almost knelt down, trying to call his student's compassion a little.

-"Come on Hel, maybe I'd end up being your colonel..."- Arnold whispered to her, his girlfriend's face lit up and she tried to hide her sudden enthusiasm.

- Damn Simmons, it's your lucky day, I'll do it!

- Awesome... Now Arnold, I've a role for you too!
- I'll do it Mr Simmons!

Arnold closed his eyes completely happy. He imagined himself dressed as a gallant gentleman, taken from Helga's arms, characterized as his sweet Marianne, they both looked into each other's eyes until his teacher brought him back to reality suddenly.

- Thanks Arnold! I couldn't expect less from you! You'll be a great Willoughby!

- Willoughby! - Both Arnold and Helga were completely surprised.

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