16. The Miriam's big breakdown

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– Drymon Medical Clinic – Emergency area

The emergency area was full on Saturday night. Helga was sitting in a chair, a lot of people walked around her, talking, others one screaming, but she couldn't listen to anybody, her mind was lost in her own thoughts.

- I should have known that something was happening... What is different now? Why does everything get worse and worse? What can I do? Is this the price that I have to pay for Arnold's love?

- Helga, sweetie, are you ok?

- Huh? I mean... yeah Stella, thank you, you know, for spending your Saturday night here with me, at the Hospital.

- Don't worry, I told you since we had met each other, Miles and I will be here for you! You're like the daughter that we couldn't have, and you are part of us now.

- Thank you... I don't know what to say.

- You don't have to say anything, it's ok. Is not your fault, that kind of thing happens sometimes .

- Not in my family, this is routine.

- What?

- Yep, it is not the first and I swear, the last time. Well, this is the first time with a victim.

- The Doctor Smith said that the man is ok and he doesn't want to press charges.

- Whatever, the police will investigate, like always.

- Maybe... where are your dad and sister?
- In California, in a stupid audition for Olga.

- If you wanna, I can explain the situation to them.

- Thank you, but it isn't necessary.

- Don't worry, I'll come back soon. - The woman got up from her chair, leaving her coffee there, dialed the number on her cell phone and walked a few steps away from the girl.

- And this is my life! - She said with sarcasm, flopping into the chair, sometimes it was too tiring for her to be the responsible adult, but she knew it had to be.




– Drymon Medical Clinic – Room 53

The patient was in her bed, her head felt like it would explode. Her arm was completely bandaged, connecting it with the serum.

- The patient is stable, and the results show a big quantity of alcohol in her system. - A female voice said to a doctor.

- Ok, please give the results to the Police Officer and give her more medicine.

- Yes doctor.

Miriam felt the liquid entering by her veins, she closed her eyes slowly, trying to find a better place in her mind.


– Viksten Village – 40 years ago

The sunshines was entering through the big window, the pink curtains were moving because of the light summer breeze. All the fancy dolls were sitting in the bed, paying attention to the little blonde girl.

- So Geraldine, your answer it's correct! You can sit down. - She helped "her student" to sit down. - Who 's next?

- Miry, are you here honey?

- Hi mommy! I'm here, but now I'm not Miry, I'm Miss Viksten.

- Oh sure princess, I'm sorry, but your dad it's almost here...

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