14. About take sides and it's consequences

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– The Skater's Gold Bowl –

All the young people from Hillwood city were there, the new place of the neighborhood. The most modern place to skate boarding, with 5 different rinks, one more difficult than the previous one. 2 girls arrived surprised about the quantity of people and the incredible stunts skaters did.

- I told you Pheebs, if we wait for five minutes more, we won't find any places.

- Wow I've to admit that I underestimated the love of the young people for skateboarding.

- It's funny, but I prefer other sports.

- Can you see our boyfriends?... Ouch. - The girl felt a little blow on his shoulder.

- Phoebe! Not so high please.

- Sorry, but I'm pretty sure that no one could hear us... Where is Gerald? I can't see him anywhere.




– The Skater's Gold Bowl – Behind track 3

- Are you ready, my man? - The brunette put on his helmet and took his skateboard.

- Yes, but I can't see the girls. It seems that they will not really come.

- Don't worry, maybe they'll come later, but it's our turn! Let's rock on the track!

- Sure! - The blond one said with a determined smile.

The boys took their skateboards and prepared to face his opponent, who had already been undefeated for 3 rounds, "Mighty Fire".

- Ok, we continue with the next meeting in our inaugural competition, there are the next competitors, "The powerful duo" facing our winner for now, Mighty Fire. Are you ready? Go!

Arnold and his best friend made their secret signal, indicating that their routine would begin.

They started with small pirouettes from side to side, in perfect synchronicity, changing to 180 degree somersaults, impressing everyone present.

- Try to get over that, beginner.- Gerald snapped at his rival as he bumped into his partner.

Their adversary smiled as an answer and adjusted her helmet. He started with reverse flips, astonishing even them, closing with a reverse quadruple deadly.

- And Mighty Fire keeps going undefeated!

Arnold and Gerald felt their jaws drop at the boy's talent, they both looked at each other and nodded, they must know who had humiliated them like that.

- Hey! Mighty Fire! We have to admit, you were awesome! - The football-head boy said.

- Yeah I mean, we were cool but you... wow!

- Thank you guys! I've to admit that you were a little ok too. - The skater took off his helmet to shake hands with the boys out of respect, releasing his long brown hair.

- Wait a minute... you... you are a girl?

- Yes, Gerald?, right? I'm Sasha, nice to meet you!
- Nice to meet you too! - The boy gave her a shy smile and couldn't help but blush at the beauty of the girl in front of him. Unbeknownst to both of them, the girls were looking for them from a distance from the stands.

- I can't see them Helga. They must feel bad for losing.

- Oh don't worry, they are accustomed to being losers, they have a lot of experience.

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