32. Arnold on the couch

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- What am I doing? - He asked in his mind for the thousandth time. - No, I've to do it... not just for me, but for others too. - He played a little with his legs, a bit nervous, and sighed to catch his breath.

- Is Arnold Shortman here? - The secretary caught his attention.

- Yes I'm.

- It's your turn, the doctor is waiting for you.

- Oh really thank you, I was lost in my mind and... -The boy tried to justify his clumsy steps, but as he approached the counter, he discovered that the young woman wasn't even listening to him. He continued on his way, hesitating for a moment before opening the door, but the doctor's voice surprised him.

- Go ahead, with confidence.

- Hi... sorry Doctor, professor, How should I call you? - He said shamefully, before he broke the antique lamp that was in front of him. - Oh... I'm really sorry... I'm nervous and lately... I'm destroying everything around me.

- Oh don't worry gentleman, it was just an accident. It wasn't very important to me. - The lady smiled sweetly and with her hand indicated for him to take a seat, the boy obeyed and fixed his green eyes on hers. - Well, I'm Doctor Bliss and I'm here to you, we have an hour to talk about anything you want, but... I would like to start asking 2 questions, first, Why are you here? and the second one, why did you say: "Lately I'm destroying anything around me", ?

- Actually the answer to the second question answers the first one... I'm here because I feel that I have lost control of my life... I don't know what's wrong with me!

- That's quite a strong statement for someone your age. - The doctor leafed through her record and returned her attention to her patient. - You are 12, right?

- Yes, but... My life is very complicated.

- Ok, ok, let's start from the beginning, to discover when you lost control. But first, relax,is a very normal feel that.

- Really?

- Sometimes I feel it too, but don't worry, together we will find the answer. So, Arnold? .... wait a minute... Are you Arnold Shortman from PS 118?

- Yes Doctor? Is there a problem?

- Oh no, none. Let 's start. - Oh my, I'll finally meet the famous Arnold. - Tell me about your family, who lives with you?

- Heh, here starts everything... my family is... a little peculiar actually. My parents worked in the jungle when they were young, and they loved their job, they helped a lot of people there.

- Really?
- Yes! They worked building houses for poor people and taking care of their illnesses. They're awesome and... their lives changed when I was born.

- Why do you think so?

- Because the jungle was so dangerous for me, they decided to move back to Hillwood, where my dad growed up.

- That sounds reasonable to me. Sometimes when a person experiences such an adventurous life, there comes a time when they long for the peace of a normal, quiet home.

- Maybe, but their helpful self did not agree. And when a culture that needed them called they returned to San Lorenzo, however, unknown to anyone, they fell ill and... did not return.

- I see...

- So they left me in the care of my grandparents. They are like my second parents.

- How do you get along with them? - The doctor asked while she did not stop writing and was surprised, knowing the other side of the story was disturbing.

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