Chapter 17: Rose's POV - Sunk

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I stomped angrily through the forest, crushing pretty flowers with my feet.

"How dare he," I kept mumbling to myself. "That little back-stabbing-" I stopped as I here a crisp crunch under my boot. Looking down, I saw that I was standing in a pile of something white and fluffy. In my rage, I hadn't noticed when I stumbled into a snow biome.

Picking up a handful of the powdery substance, I gazed at it sparkling in the sunlight. Looking at this beauty brought a sense of calmness and wonder. But the reassuring feeling went as soon as it came and was replaced with anger. My face contorted into a scowl as I made a fist and crushed the snow in my hand.

I walked a little further until I reached an cliff covered in slippery ice. Treading carefully over the frozen ground, I plopped myself down on the cliff with my legs dangling over the edge. I gazed out at the gaping lake that laid underneath the cliff. The frozen water kind of looked like a gaping mouth, waiting for its next victim, yet it was undeniably beautiful.

I sat there staring out at the glittering snow and ice, engulfed in a feeling of bitterness. What seemed like hours later, I finally stood up, deciding to try to find a way out of the woods. However, as I was turning around, my boot hit a patch of rough ice and I found myself stumbling backwards toward the edge of the cliff.

Fear overtook me as cold air suddenly flew against my back and my stomach lurched due to the sensation of falling. I opened my mouth to scream but found no sound coming out. Everything went in slow motion as I plummeted to the frozen lake below. My arms flailed around in front of me and I suddenly felt a cold, sharp pain in my back as it hit the ice.

I heard a loud crack, before freezing water washed over my body. I felt like millions of pins and needles were being stuck into every inch of my skin all at once. Bubbles floated around above my face as I sunk deeper into the icy depths.

Just as my vision started going spotty and the air started to leave my lungs, a figure suddenly dove into the water, rapidly swimming towards me. Grabbing my hand, they pulled me back up to the surface and onto the ice.

I laid there on my hands and knees, gasping for air and soaked to the bone. My hair, which hung limply around my face, had started to form sickles of ice.

"Are you...insane?" My savior exclaimed, also gasping for air.

I suddenly snapped my gaze to the rude boy that was speaking to me. He seemed to be a little bit older than me and had floppy brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Excuse me?" I yelled, suddenly enraged. With a sudden burst of strength I stood up and clenched my fists at my sides. "I just fell off of that cliff and into a freezing ice lake and you're just going to yell at me that I'm insane? What is wrong with you?! It's not like I purposely hurled myself off of that stupid chunk of ice, you idiot!"

The boy looked taken aback for a moment before getting up himself with an angry look on his face. "What in the name of Cthulhu were you doing up there anyways?!"

Having enough of this arrogant prick, I pulled out one of my daggers and threw it at the boy. His face morphed into a look of shock and fear as the weapon came flying at him and hit the wall of ice right next to his ear where it stuck.

Marching over to him, I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him closer to me. "Listen, bud," I growled. "Unless you want to lose a limb, I suggest not insulting me." I released my grip on his collar and pulled my dagger out of the wall. Tucking it back into my belt, I started to walk away until a hand grabbed my shoulder and yanked me back.

Spinning me around, the boy looked at me in confusion.

I raised an eyebrow. "What else do you want, a pat on the back?" I remarked sarcastically.

"R-rose?" The boy said in an almost hopeful voice.

"How do you know my name?"

His eyes became watery. "Oh my actually you!" Engulfing me in a tight hug he spun me around until I kneed him in the stomach.

"Put me down, you imbecile!"

The boy set me down and clutched his stomach, a look of hurt in his eyes. "Don't you remember me?"

Straightening out my shirt, I raised my eyebrow again. "What are to you talking about?" I sighed.

"I'm your brother."

I froze. "What?" I said barely above a whisper.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2015 ⏰

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