Chapter 15: Rose's POV - Broken

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Co-Author's note:
Hey everyone, it's PixelRose5 ! Sorry for the big delay, but we are finally back! We thank you for your patience, and enjoy the chapter!


I slowly pushed my door open with a painful creak. It was around 3:00 in the morning so I had to use my night vision to see since the sun hadn't come up yet. Looking around cautiously, I stepped outside.

The snow crunched loudly under my black boots as I ran towards the clearing between our houses. After looking around one more time, I laid down in the soft blanket of snow that covered the ground and closed my eyes.

What seemed like only a few seconds later, I heard footsteps approaching. I shot up and pointed my sword at the intruder. But there stood Connor, who didn't even flinch at my outburst.

"Connor?" I exclaimed while pulling by sword back. "Sorry, I thought you were a zombie." I patted the spot next to me, inviting him to come sit down, but he just continued to stare at me. "Connor?" I asked, concerned.

"You don't belong here," he said sinisterly. "You know you don't. I know. Even Logan knows." He smiled evilly.

My heart dropped down into my stomach. No. No, no, no! "'re lying! I know you're lying!" I yelled.

I felt around the ground behind me, searching for something I could use against him. My hopes lifted as my hand came in contact with something hard and cold.

A rock! I could throw it at him and run away! I smiled as another thought came to mind. I rolled the rock around in the snow, creating what looked like a ordinary snowball.

I sprung to my feet and held up the snowball like a weapon. Connor chuckled. "You really think a snowball could hurt me?" He chuckled again.
I smiled mockingly. "Yes, in fact I do!" With that, I threw the snowball as hard as I could at Connor.

It hit him in the face with a loud thud! Connor fell to his knees, then crashed to the ground. Before I could even take in the scene before me, another voice suddenly appeared.

"Rose?!" I whipped around to see Logan standing in the entrance of his house with a horrified look on his face. He took one look at Connor laying on the ground with dark red blood trickling out of his nose and me standing a few feet away from him before figuring out what happened.

"What are you doing?!" He shouted and rushed over to Connor.

For a second I was horrified at what Logan would think of me, then I noticed his backpack was hanging open. I sneaked a look into the bag and I saw a piece of rotten flesh. Realization hit me like a slap in the face.

Rage flooded my body and blurred my capability to think before I did something. I snatched the rotten flesh out of his bag. When he turned to look at me, I punched him square in the face. "So you are just a spy!" I screamed at him.

He held his wounded nose and looked back at me. "Rose, what are doing!" He screamed back while standing up. "Look, I don't know what's gotten into you, but this is unacceptable! You can't just go around and hurt your friends-"
"Since when were we ever friends?" I said coldly. I knocked him to the wall and held him there by his shirt with my sword at his throat. He stared in horror. "This is proof that you were just sent here to keep an eye on me!"

Logan looked at me with a scared and bewildered expression. "Rose...what are you-" he started softly, but I just cut him off again.

"Just stop! I know who you really are now, so just leave me alone!" I grabbed my backpack and swung it over my shoulders. "And if you come back for me," I said, making a cutthroat motion with my hand. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Connor smile triumphantly, but I didn't care. I ran into the forest, ignoring Logan's pleads for me to come back.

I didn't stop running until I was deep into the forest and finally stopped to catch my breath. I collapsed against the trunk of a tree as all of the grief and betrayal came crashing down on me. Under the haunting moonlight that shone threw the trees, I wept at the base of the tree and relived every moment I had with Logan and Connor...the ones who finally broke me.


Once again, sorry for the wait cause we had school, then Christmas the a bunch of other stuff we don't need to mention, so yeah. What a twist, eh?


Ideas: RyanT2020 & PixelRose5
First Draft: RyanT2020
Second Draft (Typos!): PixelRose5
Final Edited Draft: RyanT2020

Hope we don't take as long for Chapter 16, right now we are coming up with our best ideas yet. Thanks for reading!

- RyanT2020

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