Chapter 9

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Part 1:

That night I tried to fall asleep but too many thoughts were flying around in my head. Sighing, I turned on my side and tried to close my eyes, when I realized something. I left some of my stuff outside, near Rose's house. I sat up with a groan and opened the door a crack.

The land was lifeless, so I grabbed my sword and stepped outside. I spotted my stuff a few feet away from Rose's house. I started to walk over to it, when something grabbed my shoulders. The sword was knocked out of my hand and I was pinned to the ground. It slid to a stop a foot away. With a scream, I looked up to see a zombie hovering over me menacingly.

I desperately attempted to reach for my sword, but it was hopeless. I tried to push him off of me, but he kept his iron grip. So, this is how I die, I thought. Just then, a red blur zoomed by and tackled the zombie off of me.

I sat up and looked at Rose who was on top of the zombie. She plunged the sword into its chest and it went limp. She got up and ran past me, kicking zombies in the face. I looked around and saw dozens of them, all walking towards us.

I turned my attention back to Rose. She did a spin kick and knocked out three zombies. I grabbed my sword and started to fight with her. Rose ran up a tree, then did a backflip off of it, and landed on another zombie.

Another zombie walked creepily over to me and I unleashed the power of that sword. However, he blocked and the sword flew back and cut me on my arm. I fell to the ground in pain. The zombie had for some reason lost interest in me and walked away. I never figured out why that zombie didn't kill me then and there, but it didn't matter.

After a lot of fighting, Rose limped up to me and grabbed my shoulder, leading me back to her house. Connor followed us in, and that when I realized that he had been fighting as well. She collapsed on her couch and clutched her stomach.

She unzipped her red hoodie to find her shirt soaking with blood. She got up and grabbed a handful of Lesser Healing Potions from under the sink, and walked towards her bedroom. Connor and I sat on the couch in silence.

Rose came out a minute later wearing a red tank top and black sweatpants. She raised some bandages in the air. "Anybody need it?" She asked. Connor shook his head and I was about to do the same, when Rose's eyes landed on the cut on my arm. She walked over to the couch and sat next to me. Taking great care, she grabbed my arm and gently started to bandage the wound. The feeling of her soft hand on my arm sent goosebumps shooting through my body.

I looked up at her as she finished tying the bandage. Her face was scrunched up in concentration. It was cute. I blushed at my sudden thought. Before I could look away, she looked up and saw me staring at her. A blush appeared on her cheeks but she didn't look away, and neither did I.

I was ripped out of my daze by Connor clearing his throat. "Well, we better head back." He said.

Rose looked at him at looked down. "Right." She mumbled. She then got up and walked to the door, opening it for us. Connor walked out and I followed. "Be careful." I thought I heard her whisper as I walked away, but when I turned back the door was closed.

Part 2:

Day 3:

My eyes opened to the start of a new day. I sat up in my bed and yawned sleepily. I had barely gotten any rest last night, my mind too clouded with the night's previous events.

I got out of bed and walked slowly to the door while rubbing my eyes. I opened my front door and walked out, not caring enough to close it. As I stepped out of my house, the sun instantly seared my tired eyes.

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