Chapter 7

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Part 1:

"So, why are you down here? This is pretty far into the cave." Rose gave me a curious look with her blood red eyes.

"Got off track when running from a skeleton. Why are you here?" Connor and I stopped staring because that was clearly making her uncomfortable.

Rose stared at the ground. "Grew up down here. Kind of spent a while in this cave. It's been about five years since I've even seen daylight. I was just so sick and tired of the surface."

Connor and I exchanged looks. Connor's look read "That was really deep emotionally." Mine read "No surface for five years?!"

"Do you want to come back to the surface now? We think it's been way too long since you've been up there."

"Do you want me to live up there with you?" Rose asked. Connor made a face that said "Duh."

"I would have to say yes," answering the question even though Connor had already answered it. Rose stood up and walked around the corner. We followed.

We got around that corner, and I'm not lying, and we stared for minutes trying to take it all in.

A house was sitting in the center of the cave, with jewels and crystals glowing all around. Golden chandeliers were hanging from the ceiling. Rose was standing in the middle of it all making a gesture with her hands that said "Taa-daa!"

"But if you really want me to come up with you, I'll need to take all of this up to the surface."

Part 2:

Those chests were heavy. Three of them piled on my back, all full. That seemed like nothing compared to what Rose was carrying.

She was holding a rope behind her that was pulling her small house through the cave. Connor was holding one if the chandeliers and 3 crystals in a heap on top.

Rose eyed what I was carrying. "Hey, uh, do you want to switch places here?"

I could tell Rose needed a break. So I agreed and traded. The house actually wasn't that heavy. I just thought it was funny how she mined the floor out under the house so any scraping damage would be done to the stone, not the wood house.

A skeleton walked up to us. "You know, we really don't have time for you," I said. The skeleton walked away, disappointed.

The cave around us started to get brighter and brighter with sunlight. I recognized the area as the flat area. We climbed to the surface.

"Wow. It's been a while, hasn't it?" Rose was talking to herself. "Oh, and I forgot to get your names."

I stuttered, then said "I'm Logan... and that's Connor."

Rose looked at Connor. "Nice hair."

Connor got a bloody nose all of the sudden. He must have been blushing.

Terraria: The Journals of Logan MaxwellWhere stories live. Discover now