Chapter 16

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"Rose!" I called into the dark abyss of the forest. Rose was already long gone, but I showed no sign of giving up. "Come back! Please! I can explain! I swear! Just come back and I'll fix everything!"

I screamed until my voice was hoarse, but still got no reply. No, this cannot be happening. Rose was my friend, no, more than that. We had something. And she left me with a wounded nose and a broken heart.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and assessed the thoughts over in my head. I decided a walk would be great to get some things off my mind. I didn't even realize where I was going until I looked up and saw that I was standing under the tree that Rose always hung out around. A tear slipped down my cheek. Why did she knock Connor out? I forced the thought of Rose out of my head and kept walking.

I walked until a a cave loomed in front of me creepily. I was about to turn back, when I saw a torch on the wall of the cave. Curiously, I wandered over to it and saw more torches were ablaze and leading further into cave, and I cautiously followed them.

I heard voices coming from around a corner and went to go check it out. I pressed my body against the wall and carefully looked around the corner and saw a large cavern.

Connor was kneeling down to a tall and powerful-looking man who was sitting upon a grand throne. He wore a crown made of black, shiny metal with a glowing red jewel on the top of it.

"Rose is gone, Your Majesty." Connor said.

"Yes, yes, very good," the man said. "We'll aim for Logan next. You'll strike at midnight. Tonight. Get him out of here. We don't want him ruining any of our plans."

"Yes Your Majesty." Connor replied.

My heart started hammering out of my chest at what I just heard. Knowing that if I eavesdropped any longer I'd be caught, so as quietly as possible, I slipped out of the cave. Thoughts were pounding and swirling in my head all at once.

"I've gotta go after her." I thought.

"You can't." A voice replied in my head.

"What? Of course I should! And who the heck are you?" I replied.

I'm you, idiot.


I'm the voice inside your head. Jeez, people are stupid these days..

I don't care about who you are or what you think! I'm going after her!

Didn't you hear her? She said she'll kill you!

I'm sure she won't. I mean, I know her, she's sour at first, but sweet on the inside, like those Sour Patch Kids.

Just don't go!

I have to!

Fine, get yourself killed. It's not my problem.

Oh, shut up!

And with that, I took a step back, and I ran towards the forest, and I didn't look back. Now, only one thought was invading my mind, and it spoke louder than all the others: I had to find Rose.


Author's note of self-admiring:

I am actually surprised at how well I did on this, cause PixelRose5 didn't take that long to edit it (usually there is so much to fix that it takes her a while to edit)


Ideas: PixelRose5 & RyanT2020
First Draft: RyanT2020
Second Draft: PixelRose5
Final Draft: RyanT2020

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