Chapter 11

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I was laying on my couch when a loud pounding came from the other side of the door. Groaning, I walked over to the door and opened it to reveal Connor leaning against the wall next to the door with his hands in his pockets. I've noticed that Connor leans against walls a lot...weird.

"What?" I grumbled.

"I found Rose asleep by a tree with that weird piece of wood." Connor replied calmly.

I rolled my eyes. "It's a guitar." I corrected.

"Whatever." He said before turning around and walking towards the tree.

I stepped out of my house and followed him up the hill. I walked over the hill to see Rose asleep with her back against the tree trunk. Wow, I thought. She even looks cute when she sleeps.

I smiled and walked over to her. Kneeling down in front of her, I shook her shoulder gently. She slowly opened her eyes and yawned. "Why'd you wake me up?" She complained.

I flashed her a grin. "Come on," I stood up. "We've got work to do." I grabbed her hand and helped her stand up. I started walking back to the house.

Connor was walking behind us, when he suddenly stopped. "Uh, hey, guys?" He started. "Something doesn't feel right." He said while hugging himself.

Rose rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right," she scoffed. "You're probably just trying to prank us." She started walking again. I think being woken up put her in a bad mood.

I was about to turn around and start walking again, when all of the sudden, Connor froze. He started twitching and when he tried to talk, it came out staticky and unclear. "G-gys! Wh-a-at h-a-ppening t-to m-m!?" He screamed out in fear.

A loud buzzing came out of nowhere as the trees and landscapes started twitching and moving like Connor. The buzzing got louder and I collapsed to my knees, covering my ears in a desperate attempt to block out the noise.

"Oh, no," I heard Rose say. "Its happening again!"

Then everything went black.

Terraria: The Journals of Logan MaxwellWhere stories live. Discover now