Chapter 8

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We dragged the house out of the cave, setting it next to ours. Connor and I loaded her stuff into her house, placing the chandeliers on the ceiling.

We were just finishing up when I picked up one of her gems from a chest. It was blood-red and sparkled when I turned it to the light. It reminded me of Rose's eyes. Rose. My eyes widened in realization. Rose wasn't here. I ran over to Connor.

"Connor, where's Rose? She disappeared." I said, slightly out of breath.

"I have no idea. She probably just got excited to go explore." Connor shrugged.

"Well we have to go find her! It's going to be night soon!" I shouted while practically dragging Connor out the door. "Rose! Rose, where are you?" I yelled. I sighed when I got no answer.

"Connor, you go look by the lake, I'll look over the hill. If you don't find her, go back to the house and wait for me." I instructed.

He gave me a short nod before running to the direction of the lake. I then dashed off to the hill. I knew she wouldn't have gone far, all of her belongings were in her house. I scanned the area for the brunette and was about to turn back, when I heard faint music coming from a large tree. My eyes followed the lovely sound up the trunk of the tree to see Rose sitting on a branch of the tree, covered by the shade. She was holding a weirdly-shaped piece of wood that made the nice music when she strummed it. She then started to sing and in an instant, I was captivated by her voice.

...And the dreams that you dreamed of,
Dreams really do come true, ooh, ooh

She looked up to the sky and smiled before singing again.

Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney tops
That's were you'll find me-

She turned her head before I could jump out of sight. When her eyes landed on me, she gasped and a blush appeared on her cheeks. I felt mine heat up, too. Rose looked away for a second and bit her lip. She then jumped down from the tree and landed right in front of me. At this point, my cheeks were burning, which made me even more embarrassed.

"Uh, hey." She muttered awkwardly. "Is there, uh, something you need to... tell me?"

I averted my eyes. "Um, uh, yeah, your, uh, house is finished." I felt my cheeks flare up again.

She giggled. "Okay, well then let's go see." She started to walk away but I grabbed her wrist. She turned around and looked at my hand on her wrist and then at me, a blush invading her cheeks once again.

I quickly pulled my hand away and put it behind my neck. "I, um, just wanted to say that I, uh, really like your voice..." I forced out.

She looked at me curiously and smiled. "Thanks."

I pointed to the piece of wood in her hand. "What's that?" I asked.

"It's a guitar. I made it." She stated proudly. She smiled at me. "Come on, I wanna go see my house. Plus, it's already getting dark."

When we got there, Connor was leaning up against the wall and smiling at us. "I see you found her." He said, gesturing to Rose.

She smiled then yawned. "I'm gonna get some rest. See you in the morning." With that, she walked into her house and shut the door sleepily.

I turned to Connor. "Look, I found her in a tree. She was singing, and it was amazing, and I-" I felt the blush reappear on my face. Right in front of Connor. Great.

Connor put a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry dude, there's nothing to be ashamed of. She is pretty cute." He looked at me with a smug smile before walking towards his house.

My cheeks burned. "That's not what I-" I tried to argue, but he already shut the door. I sighed and glanced at Rose's house before walking into my own house and falling asleep aswell, thoughts of the day swirling around in my head.


Shoutout to PixelRose5, she has great books and I think all of you will love them!

Ideas: RyanT2020 & PixelRose5
First Draft: RyanT2020
Second draft: PixelRose5
Final Copy: RyanT2020 & PixelRose5

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