Chapter 12: On The Other Side of the Computer Screen

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"What the heck?" A girl with hazel eyes and soft brown hair exclaimed. "My game just crashed!"

"Yeah, mine too." A boy on the other side of the Skype call replied. He had blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

Scarlett sighed. "Hold on Ryan, I'll restart the server."

"Mmkay," Ryan said. "What do you think happened?"

"I don't know, probably just a glitch," she stated while watching the loading screen light up.

Shrugging, Ryan joined the server and the two friends continued to stare at their computer screens in a trance as they played their favorite game: Terraria.


I opened my eyes slowly, a headache pounding in my head. Groaning, I sat up and rubbed my temple. What happened? Suddenly, my memories came rushing back to me. The buzzing, everything twitching and moving around weird. Including Connor...

Connor! I looked around frantically. I spotted Connor a few feet away from me, sprawled out on the floor unconscious. I got up and limped over to him and shook his shoulder. He stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes with a moan of pain.

Clutching his head, he sat up slowly. "What...happened?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I don't know, the last thing I remember is..." I trailed off, a flashback arising in my mind.


A loud buzzing came out of know where as the trees and landscapes started twitching and moving like Connor. The buzzing got louder and I collapsed to my knees, covering my ears in a desperate attempt to block out the noise.

"Oh, no," I heard Rose scream. "Its happening again!"

Then everything went black.

~Flashback Over~

"Rose!" I shouted. I quickly scrambled to my feet, stumbling a bit before regaining my footing and running over to where a red-and-black-clothed body was laying in the grass.

I collapsed to my knees next to her and gently shook her awake. Her face contorted in fear, as if she were having a nightmare. "Rose," I called. "Rose wake up!"

Her eyes snapped open and she shot forward in an upright position. "It's happening again!" She screamed. "It's happening-"

"Rose!" I cut her off by grabbing her shoulders, making her look at me. When she looked into my eyes, all I saw was pure fear and desperation. I cupped her face with one of my hands. "Rose, what's wrong?" I said gently.

"It was happening again! I remember, it's happened before!" She started to shake violently. "I-I r-remember the buzz-zing a-and the the t-twitching...and...and it was horrible!

"They took me away from my friends and...and-"

I cut her off again by wrapping her in a hug. She shook harder, and I soon realized that she was sobbing. I stroked her hair comfortingly and her crying slowly ceased to soft sniffling.

Eventually, she was asleep in my arms and I carried her back to her house. Gently setting her on the couch, I took a step a back and looked and her tear-stained face. Sighing, I walked out of her house and quietly shut the door.

As I walked back to my own home, a thousand thoughts swirled around my head. Whatever made Rose break down like that, must have been terrible. After closing my front door, I sat down on my couch and dug through my bag.

My hand brush against something soft and squishy, causing me to yank my hand back. I reached in again and pulled out a chunk of rotten flesh.

I remember Connor telling me that rotten flesh was only supposed to be in Minecraft, a whole other world that I didn't know of. I stared at the object for a while, almost in a trance. Could Rose's break-down have something to do with this other world?



Ideas: PixelRose5 & RyanT2020
First Draft: RyanT2020
Second (Typos!) Draft: PixelRose5
Final (Edited) Draft: RyanT2020 & PixelRose5

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