Chapter 3

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I looked down at the long row of trees. This is going to take a long time. After hours of work, I had two full stacks of wood.

Behind me, Connor yelled from a distance, "I just ran out of wood. Could you give me more? Oh, an while you're at it, can you lend a hand over here?"

So I started walking over. But something made me stop in my tracks. A noise. A squishing noise. I turned around, and there it was.

A green ball of what looked like Jell-O was jiggling its way towards me. I stepped back, and took out my sword. I swung hard and fast.

The sword hit the green thing, and it flew back. But it seemed somewhat unhurt. I swung multiple times, and it was down to 5 health. I closed my eyes, and delivered the killing hit.

I opened my eyes, and there was a coin and a piece of gel lying where I hit the Jell-O thing. I picked it up and ran with pride over to Connor.

"Hey, uh, there was this weird green Jell-O thingy that I killed. Do you know what that was?"

"Oh, those things. That was a slime. They vary colors and sizes. Did you say you killed it?"

"Yeah, as a matter of fact, I did," I answered.

And killing that slime felt really good.

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