It's time:

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It was finally time to leave. I was so nervous but happy at the same time. My best friend, Amelia, doesn't know that I'm going to Hogwarts. She thinks  I'm going to the US.  I'm going to miss her but she has been really distant and rude lately. As I was about to grab my trunk and Umbra from my studio, I heard a scream. It was Hazel inside the house. I rushed back inside and could barely see through the smoke and flames. The house was burning down! I found Hazel and dragged her and my dog out just before the flames grew taller. Luckily Umbra and everyone else were safe. Asher had left an hour ago for work. I called 911 and then Asher. Thankfully, Hazel and Asher own a second house which they can stay in for the time being. I wanted to stay and help but my train departs Kings Cross Station at 11:00. I have to go. I rushed to the train station and boarded just in time. Harry and his friends, Hermione and Ron, invited me into their compartment. The whole time Ron wouldn't stop asking questions. Harry kept thinking how he wished Ron would shut up for once. Hermionie started to scold Ron but still couldn't help herself from thinking of how cute he was. I excused myself and wondered about the compartments. I suddenly bumped into someone. I started to apologize but as I began to talk I felt a rush of sadness and guilt. I looked up to see a platinum blonde haired boy looking down at me. He scowled and I stood there frozen. He cleared his throat and said "excuse me" in an angry tone. I tried to say my name but it came out in stutters. Finally I got out "Sorry, I'm Seraphina".  He said "I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy, now get out of my way". Startled, I walked back to the compartment but I could hear that Draco was thinking about me. As soon as I was about to open the compartment door, I heard that Harry, Ron, and Herminone were talking about me. Ron said "she's so different from you, Harry, I feel like she will be in slytherin". "RON!" Herminone yelled, "that's not kind, you barely even know her". Tears sprang to my eyes as I ran from the compartment. Luckily we were just pulling up to Hogsmeade so I ran to exit the train. As I stepped onto the platform I bumped into Draco again. "Why are you crying?" He asked. I couldn't get any words out through my tears. Draco wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug.

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