What a "love story"

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Come on, wake up." Draco said in his sweet voice. "Ten more minutes." I say sleepy. "Now it's time to get up, we have class in an hour and we still need to get ready!" Draco said. "Fine!" I say grown. As soon as I got up I got ready and headed out the door. "Fidelius!" I said as Draco and I walked down the stairs and up the path to breakfast. As soon as we got to breakfast we sat down with the golden trio aka my brother and his friends. After breakfast I headed to the first period. As soon as I walked in I realized that Draco wasn't next to me. I decided to sit down since I didn't have time to go looking for the blonde boy. Soon after Draco and pansy walked in. Along with everyone else in the class. Draco then sat down with pansy and Blaze sat with me. "Hey seraphina, I thought you and Draco were back together. What happened?" Blaze asked. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well I saw you and Draco sitting together at breakfast but then after words I saw Draco and Pansy kissing in the hallway." Blaze said. " WHAT!?!" I said with tears forming in my eyes. "Oh seraphina I'm so sorry!" Blaze said, trying to comfort me. I held back the tears as class began. After class I grabbed my homework then went to each of my professors and collected my homework then went to Harry's dorm not wanting Draco to find me. After I finished my homework I layed in Harry's bed and started to cry. After an hour Harry came into his dorm. As soon as he saw me he ran to me. "WHAT WRONG LIL!?" Harry asked worriedly. "Draco kissed pansy even though we spent the night together last night!" I said trying not to cry even more but failing. "HE DID WHAT!!" Harry screamed! Ron then walked in cause he heard screaming. "What's wrong seraphina?!?" Ron said. "Draco kissed pansy even though just an hour ago he kissed seraphina." Harry said angrily. Soon after, Seraphina fell asleep in Harry's bed cuddling her brother. "DRACO MALFOY!" Harry and Ron screamed as they entered dinner. "What do you want potter." Draco called out. "What do you want? That is not what you should be saying when you broke my sister's heart you dumbfounded boy!"Harry screamed in anger. "Yea malfoy!" Ron added. "Oh shut up Weasley!" Draco said. Seraphina then woke up. It was already dark so she headed out to see if dinner was over yet as she was walking in she heard "oh shut up Weasley!" She knew whose voice it was Malfoy, as her brother calls him.

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