Ever lasting depression:

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Draco's pov:
Seraphina was still not talking to me. She is really mad. I haven't seen her in the common room and pansy said she hasn't been in their dorm. I heard there's a new student coming to Hogwarts. I don't know who he is though. The week before Sera hadn't come to class. Ivy had picked up all her homework and must have given it to her then back to the professors. I decided to walk to where I think the tree house is. Hoping sera is there. As I took the path down into the forbidden forest with umbra in hand since I had been taking care of him for the time being. I finally reached the spot I thought the tree house was. " revilio"! I say pointing at where I think the tree house is. Right before me the tree house appears. I walk up the stairs into seras bedroom. As soon as I walked in, Sera was asleep at her desk with a butter bear next to her. I picked sera up and climbed up the ladder and tucked her in. I then went over her homework and did the rest of it. Then I sat umbra on her desk with a mouse next to him. Then I left. As soon as I got outside I said " Fidelius" to hide the tree house once again.

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