When love is like fire and starts to burn:

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It was now October and the tri wizard cup terminate was coming up. I'm excited, it will be my first time watching the games. Soon it will be Monday. Draco has been talking to me again. In class he will sit next to me. At night we hang out and talk about how our day had been in the astronomy tower. It was finally Monday as I headed off to class everyone was thinking about how they hate mondays and want to just go back to bed. As I headed to Hagrid's hut to see him and Harry. As I walked down the path someone came up behind me and covered my eyes. I screamed but they just said guess who. I knew who it was. It was draco. He then turned me around and asked why I screamed. I told him he surprised me since he was asleep in the common room when I left. On my way out I bumped into a girl named Ivy. She is in Ravenclaw and one of my best friends at Hogwarts. Draco asked where I was headed. I told him to Hagrid's hut. He said okay and that he would meet in the hallway to head to class together. After I visited Hagrid and Harry I headed off to the hallway that Draco and I met in before we head off to class. As I was about to turn the corner someone jumped out from behind the pillar and tried to scare me. I then shouted, Nice try, Dray but maybe be a little bit quieter next time. Dray is The nickname I gave Draco. Classes went by fairly quickly. Draco and I walked to class like normal and we sat together in class too. That night I was on my way out to the garden to lay on the grass and watch the stars when I bumped into Dray or malformed as my brother calls him. " oh sera I was just about to come find you". Draco said. Oh really what for? I asked. "Well I have a question." Draco replied. Shoot! I said. " Okay so I want to give you this but you can't open it till dinner tomorrow night okay." Draco said. Oh come on you know I can't wait that long please just tell me now. I said. "Sera you have to try okay!" Draco replied fine! I guess I will try. I said. The next day at dinner I sat next to Harry and his friends and of course Draco had to sit next to me too. Even though he hates Harry he still doesn't want to leave me alone around Ron after what he said. I pulled out the black box with the initials S.L.P in gold lettering. Open the box to see a beautiful dark green necklace.

with a little butterfly origami note sitting next to it

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with a little butterfly origami note sitting next to it. Harry, Hermionie, and Ron asked who the box was from. All Sera said was that she found it sitting on her bed in the dorm. I opened the note to read will you be my girlfriend?'' Signed with the letter D. Harry asked what the note said. I tried to play it cool so I replied that it was blank and just for looks.

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