What a surprise:

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Miss potter!" Snaps yelled through the hallway. "Yes professor?" I said as I walked up into his classroom. "I've been noticing that you haven't been showing up to classes. Instead you just pick up the work then turn it in at the end of the day. What is up with that?" Professor Snape said. "Oh I have just been tired." I said lying. "Well I'm just making sure it has nothing to do with mr. Malfoy. Everything is okay with you right miss potter." "Yes sir everything is fine." I said trying to end the conversation so I wouldn't be late for my next class. "Okay then on your way now." Snape said, pushing me out of his classroom. As I raced down the hallway not wanting to be late the words miss potter rang in my head. The last time I heard miss potter was when I was very little. It felt nice to hear my mother and fathers last names once again. It felt like the name Potter was barely ever spoken anymore. As I raced into my next class I heard, "oh miss potter there you are." Come from professor slughorn. "Just in time." He said once again. "Okay class today we will be smelling and learning about Amortentia! Now can anyone tell me what Amortentia is." Professor Slughorn said. "Yes hermione." "Amortentia is a potion where you can make anyone fall in love with you. It is pretty powerful in the Wizarding world." Hermione answered. "Correct!" Said the professor. "Alright I want you to stand up when I call your name I am putting you in groups of four." Said professor slughorn. Miss potter, mr.malfoy, Blaze, and miss pansy. That will be our first group. Please go to the table in the back left hand corner. "Okay now that everyone is in a group on each table there is a vial of Amortentia. I would like you all to pass the vial around and smell it then tell me what all you smell." The professor said as he walked by every table. " Who is going to go first?" Draco said. "I will babe!" Pansy said as she reached for the vial. " I smell... oh I smell cinnamon, a burning fire, and a smell that you would smell in a forest? Pansy said. "Okay now blazes turn!" Draco said. "Hmm I smell butterbeer, coffee bean perfume, and a new book smell?" Blaze said. "Okay here you go seraphina." Blaze said, passing the vial to me. "Okay then, I smell cologne and the smell of a green apple?" I said. I knew who I smelt but I couldn't admit that. "Here you go Draco." I said as Draco grabbed the vial out of my hand. "Okay, I smell coffee, butterbeer, and the smell of a new book? Looks like we like the same person. "Hey babe, I think I know who you like!" Draco said, looking at me. "Who are you calling babe Draco?" I said in a confused voice. "You of course seraphina?" Draco said. "huh?!?" Pansy and I both said. "Here Draco I think you should drink some of your coffee!" Pansy said in a rush. "Huh okay I guess?" Draco said. "Babe who did you smell?" Draco said looking at pansy. "Oh I don't know who I smelled." Pansy said quickly. "OH MY GOSH!!" I said surprised. "What Blaze said. "Pansy totally put Draco under the Amortentia spell!" I said. " watch!" "Draco can I see your cup real quick." I said. "Huh?" Blaze said. "Umm sure potter" Draco said. As he handed me his "coffee." I then walked over to the sink in the classroom and dumped out Draco's "coffee." "NOO!!" Pansy suddenly said. "Hey Draco what is my name?" I asked Draco. " babe of course, why?" Draco said, looking at me. "Just checking!" I said, talking to Draco. "See I told you so!" I said talking to Blaze. Suddenly professor Slughorn screamed "ten points to slytherin!" Then there was cheering coming from one of the groups at the front of the class.

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