What a time:

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After I heard Draco screaming I ran to my tree house to work on my homework. After I got my homework I went to the compartment under my bed and went through it. After a minute I found a box with the name seraphina in bold gold lettering. Once I opened the box I found a letter colored in emerald green with gold lettering and a ring. In the letter I read " dear sera,I hope we sort out what has happened but till then I want you to have this ring. This ring has the ability to turn off your mind reading. Yes I already know you can do that but once you turn off your mind reading you will not be able to handle everyone's mind when you turn it back on. The ring will give you small amounts till it thinks you are ready. I hope you like it.
- S.B

After I slipped the ring on I decided to turn on my mind reading once again. After I got the compartment all cleaned up and organized I went over to my desk where I found a letter from hazel and Asher. I then gave umbra a treat and let him fly around for a little while. Inside the letter read dear seraphina, Asher and I are doing really well and are happy to hear about your O. W. L. S. We are so proud of you. We hope to hear from Harry tell him we wish him luck for his years to come.
love hazel and Asher

After I read the letter I decided to write in my journal. Then I did my night time routine and went to bed after I put umbra in his cage with fresh food and water. The next morning I woke up super early and got ready then walked outside of my tree house and whispered "Fidelius." To hide my tree house then went to my classes. I was so tired during classes but luckily I put tea in my bottle so I would get through the day. All day I saw pansy all up on Draco. Harry and Ron were still worried about me even though I told them I'm fine. Every time I said "I'm fine." Even though I'm not.

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