The first day is usually the worst:

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I woke up in the girls dormitory as some of the other girls started waking up. I headed downstairs for breakfast then walked out to the black lake. I sat at the edge for hours. The day went by in a flash. I went inside for dinner and sat next to Harry.  He told me "You're about to be sorted into a house, I hope you get Gryffindor". Ron says "Slytherin is the worst house, it's full of dark witches and wizards". My name was called and I went forward to take a seat on the stool. The sorting hat was placed on my head. I was shaking with nervousness. "Hmmm, another Potter? Kind, generous, hotheaded.... but also timid and nervous... You are like your brother in many ways but I see something different in you too.... SLYTHERIN!" The slytherin table erupted in cheers. I heard Ron shout "I told you so!". Harry looked furious. I made my way to the slytherin table noticing Draco's piercing gaze followed me all the way to my seat.
The slytherin Prefect showed me to my dormitory where my robes were laid out with a shiny green slytherin emblem. I laid in bed for hours unable to fall asleep. I decided to get some energy out by taking a stroll around the castle. As I left the common room, I felt someone's eyes on the back of my head. Ignoring it, I walked the corridors for hours trying to learn every inch of the school. Once again I felt someone nearby. Scared, I decided to head back to the dorm to try to fall asleep.
I woke up excited for my first day of classes. I took a shower, got dressed, put makeup on, and packed my bookbag. Walking to my first class, I went over my schedule for the day. The first class is defense against the dark arts. I was the first to arrive besides Professor Snape. While skimming through the textbook, I felt someone sit down next to me. I could sense that it was Draco. Class started and Professor Snape kept eyeing Draco, it was making me very uncomfortable.
Class ended so I rushed out of the room and to my next class. Draco followed and sat right next to me again. I got the sense that he wanted to talk to me but he never did. After taking care of magical creatures, class was lunch. I wasn't hungry so I skipped lunch and headed out to the black lake. I hopped into a row boat and paddled to the center of the lake. It was so peaceful. I pulled out a book and started reading.
Before I knew it the sun was setting and it was getting really dark out. I paddled back to shore, walked to the dorm, and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
I awoke Saturday morning so excited for the weekend. When I got to the common room only one other person was there.

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