Chapter One

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"5 minutes till set!" The sound of the set director yelling through the intercom of my trailer had me standing from my beauty chair. After a few last minute touches to my hair and makeup I was ready for my first sex scene with my co star Nathan . 
Nathan and I have gotten close these past 3 months of filming. He was a popular actor who starred in all of the best romance movies. He was the Ryan Gosling of our era. It was kinda funny because he looked just like him. Dirty blond hair, blue eyes and a beautiful smile. I had a crush on him before we booked the movie but after getting to know how funny, smart and kind he is my crush only intensified. I would never cross that line with him though. He was a married man for 2 years now. Which made him completely off limits.

The movie was based on a popular erotic Romance novel "Take Me" written by GG Bell. The book took the world by storm when it was released 5 years ago. I too owned a copy and read the book twice. It was steamy but never lost touch on the characters' love for one another. When I heard they were turning it into a movie I had to audition. I didn't know that I would get the leading role but I'm happy I did. This would be huge for my career.

I've been acting for 10 years now since I was 18 years old. I started off modeling as a way to make quick money after my parents died, and eventually transitioned into acting when a director wanted me to play one of his main characters' love interest. I had so much fun that I decided to stick it out. I liked being on set surrounded by people especially because it was just me and my older sister/manager Brooke now. We had no family, it was just the two of us.

I said a quick thank you to hair and makeup as they left my trailer. I began stripping out of my clothes until I was fully naked. I took a look at myself in the mirror trying to make sure there were no flaws. I worked out like crazy the past 3 months trying to stay in shape. This movie had nudity so I would be naked for majority of the sex senses we had to shoot today. I was happy that my sister was called away on business. It's bad enough be naked in front of strangers but to be naked in front of my sister was a little embarrassing.

My caramel skin shined from the body oil makeup rubbed onto my skin. I looked as my breast. They stood firm and high, my brown areolas placed center onto my breast, the nipples hardening from nerves and the cold air. I've done sex scenes before but nothing that involved nudity. I looked down at my 5'7 frame and admired my beautiful natural curves.  My curly hair was a little wild which is what the director wanted for these scenes. Wrapping my robe around myself I walked out of the trailer escorted by my security guard Big Mike.

We made it to a set where only a select few personnel would be present. It was a closed set today so everyone who wasn't needed had to leave. Most of the other characters had already wrapped up their scenes. We went out last night to celebrate with everyone before they flew home. I blush thinking about the events of last night.

Clearing my mind I walk into the set and notice only 5 people here. The director, 2 Cameramen, the lights and sound guy and Nathan. My blush returns when I see him. He's standing on set with his blue robe wrapped around his body that I knew was also naked beneath. The director Scott stood from his seat and walked towards us.

"Ok, perfect you're both here. This scene is going to take place on the bed. It's the first time you two are going to be intimate so I want this scene to start off loving, a lot of kissing and gentle touches. Then when you transition into the actual sex I want you to sell it to me. That you're both in love and couldn't wait for this to happen. Got it?"

"Got it." We both replied in unison. I was nervous but felt a lot better knowing that there weren't the usual 40 pairs of eyes staring at me. Walking towards the bed I slipped beneath the blue satin sheets before discarding my robe. I watched as Nathan slipped into the other side of the bed before doing the same. We faced each other making eye contact.

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