Chapter 5

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"Cut that's a wrap for today, see everyone tomorrow at 7 AM sharp." Director John shouts after we finish our last Scene for the day. I moved towards my assistant Julia and grab my cell phone, she was holding "anything new?" I asked.

Julia shakes her head no "no nothing new. Brooke wanted me to tell you that she won't be home when you get there. She's running behind with her business meetings."

" Thanks Julia, you can have the rest of the day." I say as I scroll through my socials a photo of Nathan on the beach with his wife popping up on my newsfeed. They were sitting in the sand watching the waves, drinks in their hands.

"Ok I'm going to head...." The rest of Julia's words were lost on me. It hurt knowing this would never be us that our baby wouldn't know their father. I was going to be doing this alone I knew the risk of keeping my baby but after losing my parents I couldn't handle the loss of anyone else.

" Hey, you look like you could use some fun. We have a free night go out with me." Jason happy voice breaks me out of me momentary grief.

I smile at him happy to go and get my mind off of Nathan and the baby. I still haven't told anyone anout the baby not even Brooke.

"I would love too. What do you have in mind?"
Jason links his arm with mine and drags me towards our trailers: "Just get changed and meet me out front in 15."

I looked at Jason skeptical but knew I could trust him: I always had a good time when Jason was involved. "Ok, but this better be fun."

"When have I ever steered you wrong?" Jason says, his head tilted to the side.

"You're right." I say entering my trailer. I change out of my clothes before changing into a flowy yellow summer dress. Summer nights in New York were beautiful. It was still hot but the breeze was always refreshing. I decide on a pair of brown sandals to match my dress. Spraying myself with perfume I fluff my hair and fix my makeup. Once I was satisfied and made sure I was put together I leave my trailer.

"You're actually on time." Jason jokes. I couldn't blame him. I had a bad habit of not being on time.
"Listen beauty takes time. Not my fault god blessed me with all of this." Jason laughs at my stupidity before taking my hand and helping me walk down my trailer steps.

Once inside of the car Jason and I sit in the back next to one another as the driver pulls out into the New York streets. "So what has you so distracted? Is it the maximum shoot coming up?"

I look over to Jason and see the true concern I'm his eyes. I've been forgetting my lines a lot lately and that just wasn't like me. "No it's not the shoot. I'll tell you soon, I promise. I just have some things I have to work through first."

Jason squeezed my hand he's holding. "I'm here for you when you're ready to talk about it."

I say "thank you." But deep down I know this is one thing I couldn't open up about. Eventually everyone would know about my pregnancy but that's all they would know. They wouldn't know that I was in love with a man I couldn't have.

Our driver arrives at Dave and Busters and my smile is immediately in full bloom. The last time I was here was 2 years ago with Jason. He and I spent all night eating, drinking and playing games. Jason was competitive and unfortunately for him so was I. We couldn't play a game without trying to one up each other. We spent the entire night playing each game to see who was the best. Management eventually had to tell us they were closing and that we needed to leave. Of course at that point I was in the lead. Jason swore we would come back so he could redeem himself.

"You ready to lose?" I joke already taking off my seatbelt.

"I want to let you know I've been practicing my jump shot, I got this in the bag." He makes a shooting motion with his hands.

"Haha yeah because you needed it." Jason shoves my shoulder as we walk into the nearly empty arcade. People stop and stare at us as we buy our game cards and place an order for our food, thankfully no one approached. They just simply sneak photos of us. We both knew that they would be all over the blogs before the end of the nightly one of the downsides of acting is everyone feels entitled to your life. They want to know every detail.

We walk towards the game of hoops, Jason swipes his game card on both machines. "I want my rematch."

I pick up a basketball and wait for the countdown to end before shooting the ball and sinking my shot. From my peripheral I see that Jason has done the same. I win the first round but we continue to play. After 5 games Jason jumps in excitement, his ball making the shot last minute. The buzzers go off and Jason is officially the winner, 3 to 2.

"Congratulations Jason, but this night has just started." I say moving to our next game.

"Let's do it then." Jason smiles knowing we would be here until closing. For hours I play games and ate good food with Jason and it was the best night I've had in months. Since being in New York I would work, go home and think about Nathan. What he was doing, how he was feeling. The memories of our time together playing on repeat in my mind. Every embrace, every kiss, the feel of him inside of me. I missed him so much I wanted to call or text but I know that if I did it would only lead to me trying to see him, if I did I wouldn't be able to resist being with him.

Our driver pulled up to my building. I took off my seatbelt before facing Jason. "Thank you for tonight,I really needed this. I want a rematch to get my title back. "

Jason pulls me into a hug. " Anytime Shantell. I'll see you in the morning goodnight."

I get out of the car and Move into my lobby. I made it to my penthouse and agreed it was silent. After taking a hot shower I climb into my bed and stroll through pictures of Nathan and I. Photos from the set and some of us when we were alone. Memories of our late nights and jokes giving me comfort for the night. I fell asleep wishing things were different.

 I fell asleep wishing things were different

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