Chapter 12

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The sight of Nathan laying in bed beside me had me fully waking up from my sleep. I rubbed my eyes and he was still there. Leaning down I placed a kiss to his lips that had him waking up. Slowly we pulled apart, catching our breath.

" Good morning baby." He said, smiling slightly. He still looked tired.

"Good morning, what time did you get here?"

"It was after 2. You were already in bed."

He said yawning. I sat up in bed and looked down at Nathan.

"How did things end last night with Isla?" I asked. Did she run to the media and expose our secret? I wouldn't blame her if she did.

"After a few more slaps and bastards she calmed down enough for me to take her home. We argued some more when we got there, she said I had embarrassed her. That all of her friends and family would look at her with pity."

Isla was a model so her life was pretty public especially being with a man like Nathan. Once news broke Of him being my child's father she would get a piece of the media negativity.

"I told her that I want a divorce. That I wanted to be with you and our child. I got a right hook for that one." Nathan said, rubbing his jaw.

"I'm so sorry Nathan." I kissed where he had a slight bruise from all the hits he took.

"Don't be. I started this. It's my fault. I knew I was married. But the idea of you going away to New York for months and us not seeing one another tore at me. I got in that bed with you and I took advantage of the moment. I touched you, I tasted you and I fucked you. And instead of learning from it I did it again, and again. And I want to do it again. All while knowing I am a married man. I took what I wanted."

"You didn't take it Nathan. I gave it to you. I submitted to the desire and want I have for you. I fucked up too."

"I can't be around you and not be with you. I can't see you with another man. I don't want my child to not know me. Shantell I really do love you."

"I love you too."

We stayed in bed all that Saturday. No phones and no news outlets. We watched Netflix and chilled. Brooke didn't come into the room to interrupt us at all. She let us have our day of peace. But peace doesn't last forever. The next morning our phones were blowing up with the news of Isla filing for divorce, stating infidelity was the cause. Just like that the rumors of Nathan being our child's father had increased tenfold. There was no Chanel we could flick to that wasn't talking about it.

Nathan got up to go to his lawyers office to discuss the divorce and what he could do to speed up the process. He didn't want to be married when our child was born. I understood his sense of urgency but knew it wouldn't matter. Our baby was conceived in Infidelity.

Sitting on the edge of the bed I watched as TMZ continued to talk about Nathan and I.

"I guess I won the bet. Looks like Jason isn't the father but in fact Nate is." Johnathan boasted

"Nothing has been confirmed yet, John. It could still be Jason's baby. Look at them leaving the premier together. Sources say they were with each other the entire time at the party." Chris defended

"Only for Isla to file for divorce the next day. Come on man, too many weird coincidences surround Shantell and Nate." Johnathan said

"Maybe but sources reveal that Nate and Isla left the mansion together. She was clearly upset about something. And then she files for divorce after going to a party with Nate that Shantell attended." Johnathan continued.

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