Chapter 4

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Once filming finished I packed my bags and caught the first flight to New York. I had to escape him. I left without saying goodbye. He wasn't good for me to be around. It's like we opened Pandora's box and couldn't close it. The only thing we could do was avoid the issue.

I was due to start working on my next project in a few days. I would be filming a comedy movie about a group of friends who reconnect at their 10 year high school reunion. I was excited about this project because it would be my first comedy and it would keep my mind off of Nate.

My driver just pulled up to the penthouse my sister had rented us for the next 3 months while we stayed here in New York. I could see the swarm of paparazzi and cameras standing by all waiting for me to get out of the car. I loved acting but I hated the swarm of people that came along with it. All of them hoping to catch you doing something embarrassing or scandalous. Big Mike got out of the car and came to my side before opening up the door. I put on a fake smile trying to keep the image of a good girl. If only they knew what I did less than 24 hours ago. Paparazzi flooded me blocking my path to the entrance of the building. Big Mike pushed them out of the way making room for us to get by and into the building. Once inside I felt like I could breathe again.

"Thanks Mike, I don't know what I would do without you." I said, giving Mike a genuine smile.

He nodded in acknowledgment and gave me a slight smile. Mikes been working for me for 2 years now and he's only spoken a handful of times. He's not a man of many words but he was great at his job and I didn't mind the silence.

We walked over to the elevator and made our way into my new penthouse. It was a bit much for just two people but it's what people expected a big star to live in. There is a wall of floor to ceiling windows that show the amazing New York skyline, the furniture was a pristine white with accents of gray. It looked like no one lived here. Moving inside I found an empty bedroom with a walk in bath. The closet was filled with my clothes my sister had shipped ahead of time. The color scheme is the same as the living area. The bed was king sized and the blankets looked soft.

Grabbing some comfortable clothes I walked into the bathroom and took a much needed shower. The last 48 hours have been a rollercoaster of events. Between the goodbye party and Nathan and I finally crossing the line I was a mess.

Washing my hair Nathan's  words from the night before echoed in my mind. That he loves my hair. He would always give me small compliments that meant the most to me. How he loves my laugh, or the way I pronounce spaghetti. I would miss being with him. I washed myself and recalled the feeling of his hands on my body. The sensation of our time together flooding my body.

I need to calm down and stop thinking about Nathan. He was no good for me and a married man. If the truth about what happened ever got out it would ruin my career. I worked too hard to let that happen.

After washing up, I got out of the shower and got dressed. I walked out into the living room and found Brooke sitting on the couch with her laptop propped up onto a pillow.

"Hey sis." I said, making my way to her. She stood from the couch and pulled me into a warm embrace. It's just been us on our own for 10 years. We've become extremely close. She's more than my big sister, she's also my best friend.

"Hey Shannie, how was the last few days on set?" She asked, pulling out of the hug. We took a seat on the couch.

"Oh nothing special. Just a goodbye party, Nathan and I filmed the sex scenes. It went well." I finished flicking the tv on. Although Brooke and I are close I didn't want to see the look of disappointment on her face when I told her the truth. What happened with Nathan and I would stay between Nathan and I only.

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