Chapter 15

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Red table talk was a popular talk show hosted by Jaida picket smith. She's had her fair share of scandal so I'm hoping she'll let us explain ourselves.
Nathan and I sat at the round red table getting last minute touch ups before the cameras began rolling.
Makeup gave the producers a thumbs up and just like that the interview began.

"Welcome back to red table talk. Today we have Nate Robinson and Shantell Wright here to set the story straight about what actually happened. Here at red table talk we like to give our guests the chance to speak their truths. I know things have been put out there before either of you had the chance to speak on it. Why don't we start from the beginning." Jaida states.

Nathan and I both agreed and Jaida started her questioning.

"How did the two of you meet? Was it on set or beforehand?"

"We actually met beforehand. Before a movie starts shooting we sit down to do table reads so that everyone gets a feel of the script and how the movie will play out. I met Shantell at the first table read." Nathan answered easily.

Jaida asked her next question "And when you met is that when this began between the two of you?"

"Actually, no. Nathan and I got along during filming. He became my best friend. We would hangout and eat burgers, play pranks on each other and cause trouble for the cast." I replied.

"When was the moment you knew something changed in that friendship?"

"For me it was during our first late night of shooting. We were a month into the film making and I looked over and she was laughing at some dumb tik tok. I looked at her and my heart skipped a beat. I thought it was so cliche whenever someone would tell me that but in that moment it happened. I thought I just forgot to breath but it kept happening. When she pulled a prank on me, when we rehearsed, when we just sat on set talking for hours waiting for our call. When she would give me. Hug, or fix my hair. When we kissed, when she wiped her lip stick off my lips. Everything that involved Shantell my heart would skip."

Jaida looked at Nathan shocked by his honesty. "And for you Shantell?"

"I had a crush on who I thought Nathan was before filming began. I mean who didn't have a small crush. But then I met him and got to know him. I knew it had crossed the line of friendship for me when he held me during a bad thunderstorm. I'm deathly afraid of lightening. I lost my parents during a thunderstorm so now they just bring me bad anxiety. Nathan found me curled up in my trailer alone. He came in and held me the entire storm. Whispering soothing words into my ear. He assured me that everything would be ok. That he was there and wouldn't leave me. He made me feel safe." Nathan rubbed my hand recalling the moment he came in and found me. He was my knight who kept me safe.

"At what point in filming was this?"

"It was 2 months into filming." I replied.

"So we know how the two of you met and when it became emotional. When did things take a physical turn?"

Nathan gave a short reply "The last day of our shoot."

"Correct me if I'm wrong but that's when you shot your infamous scenes together. The night after that photo of the two of you was taken on the balcony."

"Yes, you're right. The night before we had a goodbye party for the cast. Nathan and I went outside to get some fresh air. What you see in the photo is all that happened. I admit I was sad to be leaving soon. That I wouldn't see Nathan again for months. My heart hurt at the thought. We just wanted a moment to say goodbye. There was no kissing just our eyes saying the words we knew we shouldn't."

"The next day we went into filming and I kissed her again. I acted out those scenes, I held her in my arms and I got a taste of what they would be like. Later that night I showed up at her house while she was packing to leave for New York. She let me in and I kissed her. We had sex that night. The next morning I woke up alone." Nathan finished. We wouldn't dare tell the world the full truth.

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