Chapter 6

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Nathan's P.O.V

More pictures of Shantell and Jason flooded my newsfeed. For two months I've watched as the woman I fell for got closer to another man. Pictures of them holding hands, out to dinner and shopping. A new picture just about every day and what could I do about it? Nothing.  I'm Nate Robinson, the husband of supermodel Isla. That used to mean something but now it doesn't mean anything.

My relationship with Isla has never been perfect but I did care for her. She could be amazing when she wanted to be. We used to be inseparable but our careers became more hectic and the time we would devote to one another diminished till there was nothing left. We would go months without seeing one another, and days without talking. I didn't realize how in danger our marriage was until I met her.

Our jokes turned into friendship then be began  hanging out, Our phone called lasting for hours late into the night, even our conversations became more intimate revealing more layers of who we are deep inside to each other.

I still remember the night we held one another beneath the stars. I just wanted to see her and spend more time with her, so one night I convinced her to get dressed and meet me in her lobby.


"Where are you taking me?" She asked as I drove to one of my favorite spots in California.

"Don't worry about it, just enjoy the ride." I replied with a smirk. After getting to know her for the past two months I knew how impatient she could be.

"I always knew the day would come where you'd kidnap me." Shantell teased.

I laughed at her ridiculousness. "Shantell you got into the car willingly, that's not kidnap. You're so dramatic. " I swear the woman was beautiful and could make me laugh like no other.

I watched as she fumbled with the radio switching through stations. "I guess I'm crazy for trusting you. It's 11pm and here we are on a road trip to God knows where."

My heart skipped a beat again. She trusted me "I'm happy you trust me I'll make this worth it I promise"

"I'll go anywhere with you I love spending time with you" she confessed so softly I wasn't sure if I heard her correctly. "I... I want to spend as much time with you as possible. I love being around you." There's been a shift happening in our friendship, one  that was obvious.

Moving my hand from the steering wheel, I placed it on her thigh and squeezed it gently. I just wanted to let her know that I feel the same way, even if I couldn't say so out loud. I went to remove my hand but was stopped when Shantell intertwined our fingers. We sat in silence for the remainder of the drive just holding hands. Her thumb rubbed soothing circles on my skin. My chest tightened from the intimacy of the moment, this was all I could have, these small moments and nothing more.

I pulled off the side of the road and into an open field after a 30 minute drive. I hopped out of the car and I turned around to see that Shantell still hadn't moved. "Come on get out of the car."

Shantell slowly removed her seatbelt before getting out of the car. I walked around to the back of my truck,  pulling the bed of the truck down I grab the blanket I packed for tonight and began to spread it out. "Ok now, I'm convinced you brung me here to kill me."

I move in front of Shantell and without warning, I lift her up and place her on the back of the truck bed.
"Just shut up and look up"  she glared at me for a moment before looking up into the open night sky. I watched her annoyed face morph into one of wonder. The sky was painted with purples and blues, decorated with stars lighting the night.

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