Chapter 10

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Tonight was the premiere of our movie. A bunch of celebrities and influencers were all invited to view the film. I was nervous about what people would think of if. It was a movie that I put alot of hard work into and on top of that Nathan and I had sex on camera.

He left a few hours ago to go back to his home. His wife had just arrived and he wanted to be there when she got to the house. It annoyed me that he had to keep up appearances even if it was only for a couple more days. I'd spent months away from him on my own. I didn't want to do that anymore.

My stylist laid out my dress while hair and makeup worked their magic. I sat silently scrolling through social media. Every other post saying the same thing. Is my child's father Nathan or Jason?. I don't know why people cared so much. There were a few comments calling me a whore and my child a bastard. I simply blocked those people knowing there would be more to come in the future.

I slipped into my long red dress that was off shoulder and backless. The red silk complements my caramel skin perfectly. Once I was finished getting ready Brooke and I left the apartment. The drive to the thearter would be a little long considering this was a major event there would be traffic.

"So what have you two decided?" Brooke asked sitting besides me. We whispered to keep the conversation away from our drivers ears.

"To tell the truth. Then take a break and have our baby." I explained simply.

"And his wife?"

"He wants a divorce." I looked at Brooke ready to see the disappointment cross her face instead there was only relief.

"Thank god. I really didn't want you to do it on your own. I'm happy he's choosing to step up."

"Me too." We talked more about lighter topics to occupy our time.

Pulling up to the red carpet valet opened the door for Brooke and I. Brooke stepped to the side and watched as I walked the red carpet. She brought me over to certain press outlets to answer a few of their questions.

I was just wrapping up with E when I saw Jason. He walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. I squeezed back missing my friend. We spent 3 months together filming but he's been busy the last month taping for a new series he would star in.

"I guess Congratulations are in order." Jason smiled, placing a hand on my bump. The paparazzi went crazy snapping every moment.

"You're feeding the animals Jason." I told him, making him laugh.

"somebody has to. Now you would tell me if this was my baby right?"

"Of course how could I keep that from you." We laughed making fun of peoples stupid assumptions.

Turning around I see Nathan and his wife isla at the end of the carpet. His eyes on me and Jason's interlocked hands. Smiling Jason and I took a few photos before the cast was rounded up to take pictures. I stood in the middle next to Nathan and smiled for the cameras.

Nathan's hand hidden behind my back. His fingers burning a trail across my bare skin. After a few minutes we were ushered inside to take our seats. Luckily they had Jason sitting beside me and Brooke. Nathan and Isla sat at the end of the aisle.

The movie started and everyone sat quietly taking in how we brought the book to life. When the first sex scene happens everyone sat in the thearter stunned silent by how vivid we had gotten. If only they knew how real those moans were. How much Nathan and I had enjoyed ourselves.

I looked down and met Nathan's stare. The heat in his eyes returning.

"Shit Shantell I knew you could act but fuck this is good. Maybe I am straight." Jason joked low enough for only me to hear. Placing a kiss to my cheek he faces the screen. I looked back at Nathan and saw that he saw what Jason had done. His eyes now cold as steel.

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