Chapter 11

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Authors Note: This is a short chapter but one that I needed to write. I hope you all enjoy it. Please remember to Vote and Comment. I love reading your  reactions to the story and the characters.

Nathan's P.O.V

I watched Shantell leave the office, closing the door behind her. I wanted to go with her and give her comfort, but I knew I needed to be here for Isla. What she just walked in on is not how I planned on breaking the news to her. The look of horror that a crossed her face had my heart plummeting.

" Isla, I'm sorry." I said, holding her in my arms. Her legs slowly giving out beneath her. We slowly sunk to the ground Isla sitting in my lap. Her fist balled around my suit jacket.

"How could you do this to me? I thought you loved me. " She was sobbing. Her cries pierced my heart. I fucked up, my actions caused someone I care about to be this hurt.

" I didn't mean to. I do love you Isla." I whispered. We sat on that floor for 20 minutes. Me trying to console her. Once her cry stopped, I stood from the ground, helping her up, gently wiping the tear stains from her cheeks. She refused to make eye contact with me. I couldn't blame her.

I wrap my suit jacket around her shoulders quietly, we walk out of the office and leave the mansion. Paparazzi, snapping photos of us getting into the limo. This would be front page news tomorrow morning. My publicist was going to have a long day ahead of him.

The ride was silent, I was sitting on the opposite end of the limo far away from me. We thank our driver as we exit the limo and into the hotel. I will still remain silent on the elevator, and in the hotel hall. I enter the room key and watch the signal light turn green before pushing the door open the signal.

I watched as Isla entered the room first, me following in behind her. I wasn't looking forward to the conversation I knew we needed to have. Turning around to make sure the door was shut fully.  The tension in the room was thick. I had to be the one to start this conversation. I turn to speak, and break the silence, but the sight of a black heel being thrown at my head, had me ducking.

" I fucking hate you." Isla screamed as she threw the second shoe narrowly missing.

" Isla calm down, so we can actually talk about this."  I tried to reason with her the fire in her eyes. Let me know that she was no longer sad, but furious.

"Now you want to talk! After I find you with her dick out. You were fucking her she's pregnant you sick fuck."

"I'm the father." I finally came clean.

" You lied to me. When I found you looking at pictures of her and Jason, I should have known. How didn't I put this together? What do you think, People are going to say?  my family and friends, you embarrassed me, you are a dirty dog. That night at the bar, when you got drunk and you kissed me, I thought we were ok ..."

The night she was talking about flashed into my mind.

.....Beginning of Memory....

"How many of those are you going to have?" The sound of Islas' sharp whisper breaks me from my over-thinking.

"Why do you care?" My harsh words hit the air before I could stop myself. Islas, subtle flinch from my words, noticeable to me even through my hazy eyesight. She was always an open book for me, which just made me feel worse.

"I'm sorry" I whispered ashamed about how I snapped at her. She was always good to me, even when the world thought she was crazy. I knew the real her, the soft Isla, who was a kind and funny woman. So why couldn't I get Shantell out of my mind. Why can't I be happy that I'm married to a great woman. Instead, I feel trapped.

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