Chapter 17

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-Will's perspective-

The event was over. Everything was all cleaned up and everyone was getting ready to go home. The rest of the day felt like a blur. I was there physically...but not mentally.

I currently was staring into my open locker. Pictures of Robin and I literring the back walls.

Jane's words echoing throughout my head just like the rest of the day. "Would you help me out?"

I felt a cold touch to my shoulder as they quickly turned me around. I was met with Robin giving me a soft and genuine smile. "I can't ride home with you today, but the second my work shift is over, you have to tell me what's gotten you so...dazed, alright?"

"Oh...uh...okay! Have fun at Scoops!" I called out as she walked down the hall towards the exit.

"I won't but thanks!"

I'm so glad we're friends...she notices when I'm out of it. At the very least, I have her.

-Mike's perspective-

It's snowing today. I didn't wear the proper clothes for it. The forecast didn't say that it was going to snow...but here it is.

The events were over. It was time to go home. I sighed as I placed my most used instrument under my jacket. I couldn't risk it getting damaged.

"It's no use, you guys! I will always dodge anything you throw my way!" I familiar voice rang out in front of me.

There I saw Will, Eddie, and Steve having a snowball fight with the little snow on the ground.

I felt a twinge of jealousy as the three seemed to be getting close.

"Try to dodge this!" Eddie quickly tackled Steve into the snow and rubbed a snowball onto his face. Will was laughing like a lunatic at the sight.

Why can't I ever...make him...laugh like that?

God. Stop looking. It's none of your business, Michael. I don't care who he's hanging out with. Popular or Dungeon ma-

And just like that, I ate it on one of the steps due to the stupid ice.

Why have I been so distracted lately?

"Woah! Mike! Are you okay?" As I looked up, Will was practically already booking it over to me. As he ran, he hit a patch of ice as well. Causing him to tumble...on top of me. "Oh my...I...uh...I'm so sorry I don't know how this happened...I"

Steve quickly grabbed onto Will's shirt and pulled him up. "That was quite the fall for both of you. You guys really need to watch your step so you don't get hurt." He held out his hand for me to take it as well but I slapped it away as I got myself up on my own.

"I'm perfectly fine, thank you." I quickly stormed off towards Nancy's car. She gave me a quick nod with a smile as I hurried and plopped in the passenger's seat.

She quickly took a seat next to me in the driver's seat and raised an eyebrow. "Alright. What's wrong."

I shook my head vigorously and looked towards the other direction "let's just go."

"Ya know...with sharing a car it also comes with sharing your feelings, Michael. I know that may be a foreign concept for you, but Mom's been trying to teach me that."

I sighed before turning over to her again. "I just...don't understand it. I don't get why I'm so bothered by Will hanging out with Steve. Is it became he ditched me for him? I mean come on...he doesn't show up to class and when he does he doesn't tune in. Band must a joke for him. People like that are the worst."

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