The Beginning Of Tadano's Bizarre Life

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Tadano Hitohito had a dream. It was a bizarre dream of him being in an adventure that only happens in stories.

Not to mention he had several beautiful girls accompanying him, which is laughable to him.

Tadano Hitohito is plain average, not only in looks but also physically and academically.

Him getting a harem filled with cute and beautiful girls is so far-fetched, unbelievable, fiction even.

Smiling at his silly dream, he stood up from his bed beneath his sister's.

Stretching his arms above the air, and letting out a yawn. "Yawn~ another boring day for me!"

Looking at the alarm clock, he noticed that it was still 5 am, which was pretty early compared to his usual waking time.

His sister was still dead asleep and he didn't want to wake her up, he decided that he was going to be the one who is going to make breakfast today.

Since he woke up earlier than his sister today.

In the kitchen, Hito was cooking a typical bacon and egg with rice, however, he did it with some twist, his very own signature dish.

It wasn't anything special really, he just added some spicy peppers, though he separated his own portion and for his family.

Hito knows that other than his sister, his family doesn't like spicy dishes, personally, he liked them.

While he was half-way in completing making their breakfast, he noticed his sister in the corner who was rubbing her eyes.

"Onii-chan? Oh.. you're making breakfast…yawn~ you shouldn't have bothered.." Hitomi said with a sleepy look.

"I woke up early, so I've decided to cook today's breakfast," Hito replied with a shrug.

"Alright, I'll take a shower…" Hitomi went to the bathroom with a sleepy look.

After he finished cooking breakfast, Hitomi had just finished taking a shower, and now it was his turn.

It didn't take him long to finish bathing, after all, he wasn't the type of guy who put plenty of beauty products on when they take a bath.

After wearing clean clothes, he went to the dining room and was greeted by his parents.

Who was drinking a cup of coffee, while his father did it while reading some newspaper.

Honestly, Hito wonders why his father read the newspaper when he could just watch TV for the news.

Either way, it wasn't his problem.

"Good morning son."


"Good morning Hito-chan."

"Morning mom." He greeted his parents back and sat at the table and was about to eat his portion of breakfast.

However, he noticed that something was off about his food, then he glared at Hitomi and said. "Hitomi, care to explain why you are my portion?"

"I don't know what you're talking about Onii-chan~" Hitomi replied with an innocent look.

Glaring at her for a few seconds before, sighing in defeat, he can't really get mad about her stealing his spicy bacon and egg with rice, she's his sister after all, plus it wasn't a big deal anyway.

"Whatever, damn it I was looking forward to eating it.." Hito grumbled, but he couldn't do anything about the spicy meal, since Hitomi already ate.

He had no choice but to make another one.

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