Communicating With Komi-san

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Komi's eyes widened, she didn't expect him to offer her to talk with him, this was something she didn't think of!

In her life, many tried to talk to her, but she didn't reply to any of them, not because she didn't want to but because she couldn't because of her communication disorder, it isn't a disease mind you, it's just every time she tries to communicate aside from her family, her heart felt like it would burst out of her chest due to nervousness.

That's why she stays mute every time someone tries to communicate with her, she would just stand still waiting for her voice to come out but nothing.

It was her fault, and she always regretted them, however, she couldn't do anything about it, because of her disorder.

Now that someone knew her communication disorder, it would be a lie to say that she wasn't excited talking to them!

This was her chance!

A golden chance for her to gain something she desired, something she dreamed of.

A friend!

Komi knew that she couldn't screw this up, or else she'll deeply regret this for the rest of her life.

( Yes, I would love to! )

Hito smiled at her reply and then said, "Great, so what do you want to talk about?"

Komi's eyes widened, and he swear to God that he could see an imaginary cat's ears above her head.

( Umm…I don't know? )

She looked embarrassed, but her words were understandable as someone who didn't have any experience communicating with others aside from her family, it made sense that she doesn't know what to talk about.

"I see, then let's start talking about our favorite food." A common topic that everyone could ask.

Her eyes lit up and started writing.

( Sweets. )

That's totally normal for girls, most girls had sweet tooth after all.

( What about yours? )

Komi asked with an eager look.

"Well, it's spicy food, the spicier the better," Hito replied honestly.

( Oh, I can't handle spicy dishes. )

Komi said with a frown, it wasn't like she has something against spicy food, it was just her tongue couldn't handle the spice.

Hito shrugs at her answer, he wasn't offended at all, everyone has their likes and dislikes, after all, and he wasn't going to judge.

"Okay, what about favorite drinks?"

( Lemon juice! )

She answered without hesitation, and she did it proudly.

Hito couldn't help but be amused at her actions, he replied. "Mountain Dew for me."

Komi nodded.

"What about your favorite animal?"

( Cat. )

Hito couldn't help but smirk, predictable it was too obvious for him to see.

"Mine's a panda, it's your turn to ask questions Komi-san." Hito had to admit her name rolls off his tongue.

Komi's eyes perked up, and then she started fidgeting then finally she wrote something.

( Then about your favorite…)

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