Saki's House 2

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Saki was walking toward the kitchen in fast-paced steps, after all, she didn't want to make him wait for long, it would be quite rude to him as her guest, not to mention she did tell him that it won't take long.

With a determined look, she arrived at the kitchen, only to see her mom gazing at her with a smile that she hadn't seen for years.

"My, that was quick! I knew boys were fast in their first time, but to think it only took about a few minutes! I suppose he had a weak endurance then." Her mother said with a knowing look.

Saki didn't understand her meaning at first, but after a few seconds of thinking about it, something inside her brain clicked, and immediately her face heated up like christmas light.

"M-mom! What nonsense are you spouting?! I- w-we didn't have sex! D-did you really think that we'd do it like an animal?!"

She tilted her head and replied. "You did not?"

"Of course! Why would you think we'd do it?!" Saki controlled her voice from shouting at her mom.

"Yes, after all, your father and I did exactly the same time, so I assumed you did."

Saki's expression immediately turned into that of disgusted, she definitely didn't need to hear that information from her mother!

Hearing about your parents' sex life feels disgusting!

"I don't need to know that mom! Just because you did it with dad the first time, it doesn't mean we'd follow your example!"

"That's disappointing, I really thought you two did the deed, I even baked a cake with a 'congratulations you've lost your virginity!' icing in the middle of it!" Saki's mom's disappointment was clear in her voice.

Saki felt like she'd been hit in the gut, her eyes widened in a cartoonish-like proportion.

"What the f-?! When did you make the cake?! It's only been a few minutes since we entered the room?!"

It shouldn't even be possible scientifically!

You can't make that size in a few minutes!

It's a three-layer cake and her mother made it in a mere few minutes!

What kind of sorcery did she use?!

"Fufu~ that's a family secret young woman! I'll only teach you this family secret after you get married!" Her mother winked at her.

"I-i…you know what, I don't want to deal with this, I'm going to make snacks and drinks for Tadano-san I've made him wait long enough!" Saki decided to ignore her mother and focus on her primary goal.

"Tadano-san? That's his family name, right? You two aren't at the first-name basis stage yet?" Her mom 'helpfully' reminded her, of the stage level of their relationship

Can't say she liked knowing that, while she only knew him for a single day, she felt like she knew him her whole life, even in their first interaction she immediately developed a crush with a few minutes of communication.

And her affection for him only amplified, when she got to know him better, she could confidently say that she was in love with him.

While she never felt love before, the intense sensation that she's feeling whenever she thinks about him is definitely not just 'liking' him, she had a few crushes before but they weren't as intense as this is.

So what she's feeling is definitely love, there's no other explanation for it, what's there to explain?

She is quite aware that her feelings are making her irrational, but there's nothing she could do to make it stop.

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