The System?

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Hito noticed that Lumine was unusually cold to him during dinner, and still, he couldn't get a proper reading of her emotions.

It's chaotic, very chaotic not to mention every time he tries to discern her emotions, he would get a mild headache for trying to do so, it's like there's some sort of barrier that stops him from discerning Lumine's real emotions.

Anyone he met so far, gave no resistance to his ability to read their emotions, but with Lumine, he just couldn't no matter how hard he forced himself.

Because of that, the mystery regarding Lumine only went deeper, it's like her who is covered with a thick veil of mystery.

A person he met in the streets along with a mini crater, a person who doesn't have any form of I.D. or even a trance of existence here on earth.

Along with a mysterious brother named Aether, who also doesn't have a trance.

If it was before, he would no doubt laugh at himself for this far-fetched theory, but he knew, no he confirmed that there is another universe that existed.

So his theory of Lumine coming from another reality isn't so unbelievable anymore.

If this proved to be true then, everything would make sense, the mysterious why she appeared, her unusual outfit that clearly came from a fantasy-like world.

And last but not least, her ability to block his emotion detection ability.

After dinner, Lumine simply gave him 'the look' for a second before leaving the living room.

Hito was confused about why not only that his sister gave him a disappointed look and said. "Tsk..tsk..tsk!"

While shaking her head in disappointment.

Then she left after she gave me 'the look', not for the first time thinking.

'Girls are truly confusing creatures, we men couldn't hope to comprehend what's in their heads, even with billions of supercomputers combined wouldn't be able to understand 1% of their brain, while we men do the bro wave and the bro smile and we became friends and understand each other like we were brothers.'

In his room, rather than thinking about the cold looks that Lumine is giving him and how he should act so that she could forgive whatever mistake he made.

He didn't think about it at all, after all, what's the point of thinking about something that he didn't do, as far as he can remember he did nothing morally wrong.

So, he wasn't going to waste his time thinking about something so trivial as that, currently, he's thinking about his previous dream.

A dreamscape where he could literally interact with different kinds of universe, or reality for that matter.

Hito wondered if he'd 'dream' something like that or remotely resembling that dreamscape of his.

He tried to close his eyes, but before he could do so, his phone made a ding sound, he obviously didn't turn his alarm yet, so the only reason why it's dinging is that someone from Line is trying to call him.

And it's obvious who it is, after all, she did promise that she'd call him.

He took his phone behind him, opened the app, and saw the call from Yoshida-san.

Hito answered the call, and he heard Yoshida-san's soft voice.

[ Hello..? Is this Tadano-san? ]

He could hear the hesitation in her voice, so he decided to answer to reassure her that she wasn't calling the wrong person.

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