Saki Yoshida

538 17 12

Hito was looking at Komi who was approaching Shouko in a robotic walking style.

To anyone who does it, they would look weird, but Komi-san, she managed to pull it off gracefully.

Like how is that possible?! It's like the world itself is giving her elegance perks, as no matter what weird her actions are, they would look elegant!

Anyway, he would supervise her, he'll only help her after she gets into trouble, right now he shall wait and see if manage to pull it off.

Komi to say that she's nervous is an understatement, she could barely move her feet!

While she was nervous, it didn't stop her from moving forward, as she knew she would eventually do more of this in the future. If she cowers now, how could she make friends in the future?!

She honestly got lucky with Tadano-san, if it wasn't for her accidental slip of the tongue, he wouldn't have figured that she has a communication disorder.

Komi was now in front of Nishimiya, and the girl herself noticed her presence, now she was looking at her with an innocent look.

"I…" That was the only thing that came out of her mouth, she couldn't even form a single word!

Komi wanted to cry, but she stopped herself, she shouldn't give up yet!

Unexpected Nishimiya wrote something in her notebook and showed it to her.

( Is there anything you need, Komi-san? )

Komi started blinking at her unexpected action, and she remembered that Nishimiya-san was deaf and that's the reason why she was using a notebook to communicate.

She suddenly felt bad, unlike Nishimiya she had a reason to use a notebook to communicate, unlike her whose problem was the result of her own actions.

Nishimiya was deaf while she was not, she was frustrated at herself, she steeled herself and used her notebook to write something.

After that, she showed it to Nishimiya.

( I do, I want to be your friend. )

Nishimiya smiled after reading her words and replied.

( I'll gladly be your friend Komi-san! )

And just like that Komi's body relaxed, and was blown away by how easily she gained another friend!

She thought. 'Is making friends this easy?'

But she quickly removed those thoughts. There's no way making friends is as easy as this, she probably got lucky with Nishimiya-san as she did with Tadano-san.

Which is true for the most part, some people are just harder to befriend, as you need to be more compatible with them.

There's also befriending someone in the right place and time.

Anyway, Komi was absolutely happy with the result of her first attempt at befriending someone!

She got 2 friends and 98 more to reach her goal!

To others, it might not be a big deal, but for her, this was a huge step, all her life she was alone without friends.

All attempts she made in the past were failures, she never succeeded once but today she did, and Komi couldn't be more proud of her recent achievement.

For now, she wanted to get to know her new friend, and maybe she'll agree to eat lunch with her today.

Thus she continues to communicate with Nishimiya with her notebook.

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