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After the mapo tofu incident, Hito went directly to his room, thinking about the changes he was experiencing, he was looking at his hands with a complicated look.

"What is happening to me..?" He muttered to himself.

Honestly, he doesn't know, and thinking any further would only make his head hurt, as he doesn't have the necessary information to form a conclusion about what the hell is happening in his body.

All he could do is wait, and hopefully, he'd figure out something.

He wasn't going to lie, he was worried about the changes he was experiencing, he could only hope that it wasn't bad for him, or else…

Hito closed his eyes and didn't finish that sentence, for now, he shouldn't think of anything he needed to calm down.

And the perfect way to do it is to sleep.

Hito opened his eyes, however, there was confusion on his face, that's because he was sure that he fell asleep, he was sure of it so why…did it feel like he just woke up?

In a situation like this, he would panic, no he should have panicked but the thing is, he couldn't because it felt too natural for him to be here.

It felt so familiar, but he couldn't point his fingers at it nor he remembered doing such things.

Currently, he was in a dark place with an infinite amount of bubbles the size of small marbles.

These bubbles were different from each other, not only did they have different colors but also, he could feel they operate in a different manner, as each of them was unique.

Out of curiosity, he reached out to the nearest bubble.

As he did, without a warning his mind gained a massive amount of information that his brain isn't capable of taking in.

But he did, and now his eyes widened along with his jaw-dropping from his mouth.


That was the first thing that he thought of because the bubble he just touched wasn't just any bubble, but a reality containing a universe and countless galaxies.

And he even got the name of the universe.

It was called Attack On Titan Universe or simply AOT-verse.

With that in mind, he suddenly woke up from his reality, with sweats all over his body.

"W-what was that?! A dream?!" Hito panicked, as he couldn't believe what he just experienced, he wanted to believe it was a dream, however, it was too vivid to be a dream, not to mention the information that he got from touching that universe.

Although there are a lot of missing things from his memories, he was sure that he knew everything in the universe when he touched it, however, when he woke up, he could hardly recall any of it, except for a few things.

He quickly stood up from his bed and went directly to the bathroom. He then splashed his face with cold water and looked in the mirror at his reflection.

He realized with his eyes, we were all black anymore, there was a slight gold in the corner, though most people wouldn't be able to see it, but certainly, he did.

"What is happening to me really…." He bit his lips out of frustration.

No one has this condition, that's for sure, right now, all he could do is to wait and see.

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