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Hito put a cup of instant ramen on the table and pushed it toward their mysterious yet needed-some-serious help guest.

He didn't actually want to give her instant ramen, he prefers to give her real food, as he considers instant ramen as junk food.

But she needed at least to fill her stomach, he'll worry about getting her real food later, as he pushes the ramen at their guest.

She stared at it blankly, not knowing what to do with it.

The Tadano siblings were looking into each other's eyes, communicating.

'Why isn't she doing anything?' Hito

'You idiot! She's a foreigner, maybe she doesn't know how to use chopsticks?' Hitomi wiggled her eyebrows.

Hito suddenly gained a look of understanding.

If anyone is curious, what the Tadano siblings did was communicate spiritually, it doesn't have to do with their eyes, trust me only siblings would understand each other.

"Sorry, I didn't realize that you don't know how to use chopsticks, I'll be right back I'll get a fork." After that, he went to the kitchen and came back with a fork in hand.

"Here, use this." Hito pushed the fork toward the blonde girl.

However, the result was still the same; she just stared at him blankly.

Now both of the Tadano siblings were lost, they didn't know what to do, however, suddenly their blonde guest spoke.


Hito couldn't understand what language she just spoke. It sounds like chinese but there was something mixed along with it.

Hitomi also didn't understand what their blonde guest said, as she also wasn't familiar with the language that came out of their blonde guest's mouth.

The blonde girl realized that they couldn't understand her, so she decided to make a gesture.

She pointed at the instant cup ramen and then pointed her finger at her mouth.

Almost immediately, Hito realized what she meant to say, it was probably something like this.

'Is this food that I can eat?'

Hito then nodded at her. "Yes, you can eat it."

And after that, she used the fork and started eating the ramen slowly.

The Tadano siblings were watching her finish the cup, only to see her cry.

And instantly both of them panicked, their first instinct was to comfort her, but it was instantly shot down as they realized the biggest obstacle between them and their mysterious blonde guest.

Language barrier.

How could they comfort her if she couldn't understand what they said? While they could do something physically, they were hesitant as their blonde guest might see it the wrong way.

Hito and Hitomi could only watch her cry for a few minutes, however in those few minutes, Hito noticed something, their blonde guest was repeating the word 'Aether'

It wasn't hard for him to guess that it was a person's name, someone important to this girl in front of him.

Hitomi then nudged his shoulder and said. "Onii-chan I don't think we could question her, in the first place we don't have the same language, what's the point of asking neither of us under each other?"

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